Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] at the " in BNC.

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1 A Chilean study reveals that at the peak migration ages of 15–29 , there were 62 males for every 100 females .
2 The study showed that at the Honours level the non-standard entrants did somewhat better than other students , and the difference was more marked in ordinary and general degree courses .
3 At the garage there is MICRO CHIP WHEEL BALANCING and at the bookshop MICRO FICHE book information .
4 Michael Stein opened his mouth to reply but at the last minute , ever the professional , bit back a pithy retort .
5 But a defence lawyer suggested that at the time this was the normal practise in football , and Steve White agreed .
6 An eye-witness claims that at the height of the commotion , McCluskey motioned to hit a policeman and had to be physically restrained .
7 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
8 But now , her pregnancy and his ever-increasing work-load meant that at the end of the day they were both so exhausted that there was only the desire for an early night and a brief conversation about all their plans or what Brian called , ‘ the state of play ’ .
9 The reason behind this two-stage approach is that it is often very difficult for the viewers of the demonstration to understand the principles of how a product works while at the same time watching it work .
10 The period within which the charge is vulnerable is two years after its creation and there is no need to show that at the time the charge was created the company was insolvent .
11 Our son 's achievement level soared and at the end of the school year he received a glowing report from his teachers .
12 The second factor shows that at the highest speeds the pull.out torque is inversely proportional to the supply frequency and that , as before , a large total phase resistance improves the high speed performance .
13 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
14 In fact , the evidence suggests that at the time of the great debates over defence and the Middle East in 1946 Britain had a realistic view of Soviet intentions in this area — that they fundamentally consisted in a determination to secure access to oil concessions in northern Iran .
15 Current evidence suggests that at the moment there is little ‘ choice ’ about when the time is ‘ right ’ to enter care .
16 It is the users responsibility to ensure that at the time of the next offline run , the specified terminal is connected and not logged in — the offline system will not allocate a terminal to itself if it is already allocated to another VAX/VMS process .
17 ‘ You might have trouble explaining that at the inquest , my lad . ’
18 Though Minton did not begin until the class was all set up and working , the forcefulness of his example meant that at the end of the day there were eight Mintons instead of one .
19 It may be relevant for the Industrial Tribunal to investigate whether at the time he was dismissed and if not then when thereafter , he knew that he had the right to complain that he had been unfairly dismissed ; in some cases the Tribunal may have to consider whether there has been any misrepresentation about any relevant matter by the employer to the employee .
20 This was the theme ingeniously exploited by Poe in his tale , The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar , in which a semblance of life was related as having been preserved in a man mesmerised when at the point of death .
21 One may look not only at the rest of the section in which the word appears but at the statute as a whole , and even at earlier legislation dealing with the same subject-matter — for it is assumed that when Parliament passed an Act , it probably had the earlier legislation in mind , and probably intended to use words with the same meaning as before .
22 Only one contestant appeared and at the end of the prescribed waiting period , the hour of nine he asked for the non-appearance of his adversary to be legally recorded .
23 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
24 The best we can do is to establish a habit of " challenge " since this allows the old idea to continue but at the same time attaches some doubt and dissatisfaction to it .
25 In other cases there is land to spare and at the same time extreme population pressure plus unequal landholdings , such as in Brazil , where there is a constant stream of immigrants to the marginal lands of the North-East and to Amazonia .
26 Valerie is still hopeful that she 'll be able to get the school reopened but at the moment it looks as if this is as close as these children will get to being at Brockweir School .
27 Our main survey showed that at the moment credit card users are in general relatively well informed about credit , and also relatively rich and well educated .
28 The advocate depute submitted that at the trial the view had been taken by the advocate depute and counsel for the defence that there was sufficient evidence to support the view that the two appellants were acting in concert .
29 As the temperature drops towards T 2 the number of available configurational states in the system decreases until at the temperature T 2 the system possesses only one degree of freedom .
30 Sloane himself reckoned that such an opportunity to travel and at the same time pursue the practice of physic was too good an opportunity to miss .
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