Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The award guarantees that the candidate is competent in a significant range of work activities .
2 The story goes that a housewife , who was making pancakes before Lent , realised she was late for church … and rushed off , still clutching her pancake .
3 ‘ The story goes that the king was caught kissing one of the ladies-in-waiting of his English queen , Philippa of Lancaster .
4 More terrifying still , the text insists that the rebellion itself comes from God as a test of faith .
5 If a shipowner exercised due diligence to see that the vessel had been made seaworthy in all respects , the Harter Act exempted the shipowner from the consequences of errors in navigation and management .
6 I think they 're just a bit shortstaffed because the girl that 's usually in there has n't been in there for weeks , Josie .
7 Its contents were still very much in doubt when Cottle reached Alfoxden ; but before his visit ended the famous title had been chosen , and the decision made that the volume should begin with ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ and include ‘ sundry shorter poems ’ of Wordsworth 's , most of them written since the beginning of the year .
8 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
9 Sara felt her heart thumping and the colour rising in her cheeks .
10 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
11 However , the defence argued that the case was one of mistaken identity and that Rashid was in fact Mohammed Hamdan , an officer in the PLO 's Revolutionary Army .
12 While grass allows the foot to swivel when a player changes direction , feet often stick to plastic .
13 LIFESPAN ABLE will ask the user to confirm that the facility is to be terminated and , if confirmed , will terminate with an appropriate message .
14 In November 1558 they appeared to offer even more , when parliament agreed that the dauphin should be given the crown matrimonial .
15 In 1858 the Poor Law Board relented and the Workhouse Visiting Society , with Twining as honorary secretary , was set up , affiliated to the NAPSS .
16 I should like to take this opportunity to emphasise that the work on the Iraqi material is being done for the United Nations and the IAEA .
17 In that case , the opportunity to earn remuneration arose when the appellant obtained the grant of a tenancy of a public house owned by and tied to a large brewery company .
18 Within seconds , the vet announced that the lump was a large umbilical hernia which would need to be operated on , and that he should be castrated as these hernias are hereditary .
19 Yesterday , The Scotsman revealed that the proposal has prompted an extraordinary court action against it by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh , Norman Irons , and the Sheriff Principal of Lothian and Borders , Gordon Nicholson .
20 His comments arose after The Scotsman revealed that the Commission for Racial Equality has begun an unprecedented investigation into possible breaches of education and race relations law in the region 's assessment of children who speak English poorly and may have learning difficulties .
21 Except for cases of incurably ill pets , where owner and vet agree that euthanasia is best , the reasons given are as follows , in order of frequency : a ) The client wants the vet to agree that the animal is terminally ill/suffering/too old to treat .
22 Is a promise to give a wedding present binding when the marriage takes place ?
23 Despite the referendum result , opponents of the change argued that the vote was only an opinion poll and had no legal force ; the original decision to name the city after Lenin having been taken by the USSR Supreme Soviet , they claimed , it could only be rescinded by its modern equivalent — the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies .
24 Check ledger to see if every account , including the cash and bank , is in the trial balance .
25 ‘ Knocking is certainly immoral , ’ says Muggleton , ‘ but without witnesses we have difficulty proving that the knocker boys have employed fraud .
26 Yesterday the Banking Ombudsman revealed that the number of complaints he received last year jumped by 60 per cent .
27 It was nine-thirty , only an hour to go before the Dragon closed .
28 However , The Scotsman understands that the vessel had to make an emergency ascent to the surface in order to avoid a possible contamination of her crew 's air supply .
29 The Scotsman understands that the deal is now unlikely to go ahead and a minority shareholder in Bank of Edinburgh , the Brighton-based Family Assurance Society , confirmed that there were difficulties .
30 However , since the proportion who are disabled in different types of household also varies , it is necessary to see whether the differences in state provision remain after the level of disability has been controlled .
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