Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 They are likely to be allowed less freedom to go out on the streets and stay out late .
2 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
3 Tsu Ma went across and stood there , one foot resting lightly on the tiled lip of the well as he looked back across the valley towards the south .
4 Clint : ‘ I think each existence rubs off on the other .
5 my little note badge to go underneath on the
6 Only the church band — two clarionets , a serpent , a bassoon and an ill-tempered violoncello — brought much vigour to the services ; after the harmonies of King 's their enthusiasm fell stridently on the Rector 's ear .
7 My respectful view , for reasons which your Lordships will have noted , is that both the contention of the defence and the court 's refutation of it were misconceived : the absence of consent on the part of the owner is already inherent in the word ‘ appropriates , ’ properly understood , and therefore the argument for the defence got off on the wrong foot and the counter-argument that the words specified by the defence can not be read into section 1(1) did not assist the prosecution .
8 A covenant in a lease is , prima , a contract binding only on the lessor and lessee .
9 Blood-sugar level goes up on the digestion of food .
10 The decision centred mainly on the particular circumstances leading to the relationship between the bank and the debtor .
11 To achieve crosswind landing exactly on the spot without using the engine and in a strange machine offers a strong challenge even to the most experienced pilot .
12 My tranquillity was rudely interrupted as a wave crashed down on the rocks and sent a shower of spray over us as we huddled amongst the rocks on the headland .
13 Erm the volume i i is tremendous and er one worries about the effect of the surging waters on such an old construction , now we far worse than and consequently the emergency services have had to consider all sorts of alternatives , some of which you see now with the piping on , on the surface of it 's been having a good result the immediate problem , but you ca n't stop there and the emergency team have given consideration to all sorts of other possible temporary solutions in the event or that the pumping failed and er I think that 's possibly where this rumour about erm the railway line arrived but er I think Chairman I 've said enough , we all , we would all agree I think that the emergency workers have performed er I think we 're all pleased to see the army coming in erm and doing what they 've done and erm I certainly er appreciated the opportunity to come in on the old A Twenty Seven through West it took my mind back er many years I can tell you and erm I , I think congratulations all round are due , but I come back to what 's all saying and which I support as it would be a folly when the dust has settled erm to really take a an objective er position and see that er arrangements are in hand channels and things like that will not again be supercharged in the way they are .
14 A split-half reliability carried out on the data from children in the standardisation sample between the ages of 4 years and 8 years 11 months produced correlations of between 0.64 and 0.84 for the different items .
15 One participant has to describe a route traced out on the map so that both speaker and listener follow the identical route .
16 She spent the rest of her ‘ ninety years of aggressively independent living ’ 9 with only the consistent company of a pack of fox-terriers , alternatively at her Yorkshire cottage perched precariously on the edge of a cliff or in her Chelsea studio overlooking the river .
17 The call to baptism bore immediately on the restoration of Israel and the concomitant salvation of the nations .
18 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
19 As I sit down to write I have a photograph propped up on the desk in front of me .
20 He could hear a car drawing up on the drive outside .
21 It occurred to him that being on foot was probably an advantage ; a car drawing up on the gravel would be heard from the house .
22 When a guest checks in the receptionist allocates a room showing a green light ; he or she presses a switch and the green light goes off on the board as well as on the cashier 's and housekeeper 's boards .
23 If they ask you what wing of the Party you belong to , say it is your intention to sit prettily on the fence .
24 I follow the line of the hedge along the side of the road , ducking once as a car drives past on the road ; its headlights sweep along the hedge above me .
25 A car swished by on the main road .
26 While she was deciding whether to support the Denver Broncos or the Pittsburgh Pederasts ( whatever ) , I sneaked into the bedroom and nearly had a heart attack to find a three-foot Paddington Bear propped up on the pillow .
27 The night-light glowed softly on the top of the chest of drawers .
28 Our car conked out on the way to school .
29 The maintenance carried out on the aquarium was a regular 10% water change and a regular ( every two weeks ) larger water change of 20% using an aquarium gravel cleaner to rid the gravel of unwanted waste .
30 A winding wooden staircase led to an open-sided wooden shack perched precariously on the rocks , whence came a savoury smell and some aromatic smoke .
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