Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 At that time I was strongly in favour of sanctions , and I supported the dispatch of American troops to Saudi Arabia , according to Bush , to deter an attack on that country ; though I would not myself have acceded to an American request to put British ground troops there , and I think many people in the Ministry of Defence argued strongly against that .
2 However , Karen 's quick intelligence and enthusiasm make up for any problems caused by her disability , and Janet says , she 's a big asset to the salon .
3 He looked down at Tom 's heavy brown ankle boots , his thick navy overcoat and the green corduroy cap with the tufts of white hair sticking out at either side .
4 Just a tall , thin , cross man with a loud voice , pale , staring , pop-eyes , and tufts of spiky hair sticking out from each nostril .
5 Two days later a horse-and-cart pulled up in Page Street and an elderly man with a shock of ginger hair sticking out from both sides of his battered trilby stepped down and knocked at Aggie 's front door .
6 Carpet cleaning needs no chemicals ; handle fits on to heat shield , and steam hose clips on to this
7 So men from the IRA mixed with British squaddies , and through necessity got on with each other .
8 I could have had a contract to compare favourably with any offered to anyone at the club .
9 The government on Sept. 24 granted foreign institutions permission to invest directly in all stock market operations .
10 We all liked Alfred very much , and our sympathy goes out to all his family . ’
11 I DID not see the London Marathon this weekend , and so can not complain about it too loudly , but my heartfelt sympathy goes out to those who found themselves confronted by 25,000 runners , all anxious to show how goodhearted they were and what fun they were having .
12 The play tottered on like this for a quarter of an hour .
13 A decision to go ahead with this approach to the formation of a company file was taken in January this year and the initial test files became available during April .
14 But Mum goes on about that wretched place as though he was chief jailer at Broadmoor .
15 Fortunately the driver made up for this heresy by roundly cursing the French , whom he disliked for the same reason that most Englishmen do — the way they clutter up the place , never get out of the way and ca n't speak English .
16 The afternoon passed by in such a confusion of sights and sounds that she thought she would never remember any of them .
17 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
18 at our next meeting is there anyone else you need to consult before making the decision to proceed now at this point , it 's coming to the end of the first appointment , you 're pretty sure you 're on your way so the pressure is off , he 's feeling fairly relaxed and hopefully he 's enjoyed the whole sale process with you , so what should his re his response be ?
19 Whenever the conference adjourned , I noticed , as no doubt his lordship did with some concern , that Mr Lewis would quickly take M. Dupont away to some corner or other where they could confer quietly .
20 On several occasions I witnessed his lordship make attempts to draw M. Dupont aside for some private conversation , only for Mr Lewis smilingly to impose himself upon them with some remark like : ‘ Pardon me , gentlemen , but there 's something that 's been greatly puzzling me , ’ so that his lordship soon found himself having to listen to some more of Mr Lewis 's jovial anecdotes .
21 Since many people are unable to meet the costs of litigation from their own resources , the availability of representation under the legal aid scheme will often be the crucial factor in deciding whether the case goes on at all .
22 As I have already noted , some kind of political change goes on at all times , produced by the succession of generations , the rise and fall of dynasties , competition among various social groups , economic and cultural developments , changing external circumstances , and more idiosyncratic factors , which can only be understood fully through detailed historical studies .
23 And I would again ask to have money given specifically for this you know , for this purpose .
24 Dustin , with darkened eyebrows , oily black hair smoothed down on either side of a central parting , dark sunglasses and Italian gestures , wastes much of his talent in this frenzied , intermittently funny satire on Italian customs .
25 Utilitarianism agrees well with these adaptational functions .
26 I like big heads that are flat at the back , not pointed , and for that reason in recent years it is Korean males who have attracted me most , with their rich , straight black hair laid perpendicularly on that square-backed skull — always , to me , the sign of a male good at mathematics , the sexiest science .
27 ‘ Both John Emburey and Phil Tufnell have not bowled as well as they can but they must be given the opportunity to bowl more on these kind of turning pitches at home .
28 The world at that instant splits up into many worlds , in each of which one of the possible results of the measurement is the one that actually occurs .
29 It is the excuse given now for all hunting , but the misuse of a concept of a practice like that proves nothing about whether it is itself legitimate .
30 MY heart goes out to all Scotsmen and women , who watched the World Cup Third-Place Play-off at Cardiff .
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