Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] a few " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easy to track down , as a somewhat acidulous correspondent explained during a few remarks on the shortcomings of journalists .
2 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
3 Business as usual The election led to a few significant changes in Northern Ireland , but mostly it 's more of the same , says Robin Wilson
4 ‘ I have an important function to attend in a few days ’ time .
5 An intervention with a low probability of harm given to millions can do more damage than one with a high probability of harm given to a few
6 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
7 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
8 The reply came in a few minutes ago listing ten different countries with which he does business . ’
9 If your weight increases by a few pounds ( about 1 kg ) from one day to the next , do nothing for a day or two to try to redress the balance ; your weight could well drop back quite naturally .
10 The effect began within a few minutes but took an hour or more to reach a maximum .
11 The images on our television screens , emerging from fly-on-the-wall documentaries and dramatised accounts have conveyed a picture of gloom and despair ; of sad lives filled with harrowing moments of violence ; these are places of isolation and fear staffed with a few uncaring , and usually male , nurses .
12 We might enter the room and sing our greeting accompanied by a few dance steps , but ask yourself whether the message might not be obliterated by the way our actions would be interpreted .
13 Predictions from these tables will let you down once or twice a year when a session of light wind invades for a few days .
14 Carrick has long stopped hoping , calculating that age and immobility caused by a few excess pounds count against him .
15 The fighting continued for a few seconds before they realised that it was no longer dark .
16 The light changed for a few minutes and a watery sun hit the flanks of Lovely Seat .
17 The decapitated head spun like a ball in the air , lips still moving ; his trunk stood for a few seconds in its own fountain of hot red gore before crashing on to the blood-stained ice .
18 A new chairman came in a few months ago .
19 Laboriously tilled fields of corn became within a few hours torrents of mud , houses slipped down hillsides , church-towers were struck by lightning , sheep and cattle were carried away in swirling waters and dawn revealed their bloated corpses jammed against the piers of bridges that had themselves been partially destroyed by the weight and fury of the swollen waters .
20 With support for the 88000 RISC as a system architecture dwindling to a few hardy companies , a core 88open unit will continue to service their requirements , testing and branding system software and applications .
21 With support for the 88000 as a system architecture dwindling to a few hardy companies , a core 88open unit will continue to service their requirements , testing and branding system software and applications .
22 It is exceptionally ironic still to find children in a culture which has fathered half the popular music in the modern world , condemned to drone away in their music lessons over nineteenth-century hymn tunes , with dancing relegated to a few minutes at the conclusion of the physical education lessons .
23 The second session begins with a few limbering-up exercises and then goes immediately to the selection .
24 The reluctance to invest in a few good demonstration videos may stem not only from the fact that there are indeed some very poor , amateurish productions around , but also , compared with most books , videos are still comparatively expensive .
25 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
26 If untreated , recovery occurs after a few weeks , but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin .
27 A small army of workers will be moving into C&A to start shop fitting in a few weeks ' time .
28 Most of the other stars that are visible to the naked eye lie within a few hundred light-years of us .
29 He had turned her body to fire with a few practised touches out there and now he expected her to forget all that had happened , stand beside him and discuss the garden as if nothing in the world had just occurred .
30 Grandma lay for a few days drifting in and out of sleep , unaware of everything about her , until one afternoon when Julia and Carrie were sitting with her .
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