Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
2 Each spurt in investment has for a time been halfway successful in boosting harvests and production , but policy to date has failed to grasp the nettles of productivity , variety , distribution and responsible land use .
3 Especially as this new bit of gossip came at a time when the idea that Walter Machin was becoming posthumously a national figure was beginning to filter through to Oswaldston consciousness .
4 They assert that the payments to Anser were transactions at an undervalue made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts and within the relevant period of time stipulated in section 240 .
5 In between minor television roles , in series like ‘ Divorce Court ’ , Jack took to practising script writing for a time , while waiting for work .
6 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
7 Her career in geography began at a time when , in Britain , this field was still among the less fully organized of the sciences .
8 The study comes at a time when many health authorities are reducing the number of clinics and there has been a 35% rise in teenage pregnancy rates over the last 10 years .
9 This uncertainty comes at a time when the housing needs of all elderly people are increasing and there is a clear need for more good low-cost rented accommodation .
10 It 's funny how the mind works at a time like this I could n't hear anything so I called : ‘ Warton , Golf Zulu Sierra .
11 The impending civil action comes at a time when Saunders ' career has reached a new high with eight goals in 10 matches since moving to Villa .
12 The research comes at a time when serious questions are being asked about the use of advertising and public relations by the government , and when the media , too , are the subject of considerable scrutiny .
13 This ritual comes from a time when the apple was recognized as a gift from something greater than ourselves — though by then she was only a minor goddess .
14 The decision came at a time when 1,500,000 besieged refugees in the city of Asmara , the last government stronghold in Eritrea , faced imminent death by starvation .
15 Secondly , I know that this committee has over a time been concerned about the resource needs
16 Pretreatment of human colon adenocarcinoma derived HT-29 cells with DMJ resulted in an expression of the 105 kD β 1 precursor chain and of smaller forms of the α 1 , α 3 , α 6 , and α v integrin subunits in a time and dose dependent manner .
17 To overcome the problem of the softner regenerating at a time of peak demand , it is common practice to install duplex units in service/standby mode .
18 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes . ’
19 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes watching TV .
20 Although such testimony is important , it is a little unfortunate that Dobson 's influence led for a time to an undervaluing of occasional spellings , rhymes and puns .
21 The charges of rape relate to a time two years before that , when he held a similar position at a childrens home in Norfolk , run by Norfolk County Council .
22 Mr McGahon 's controversial proposal comes at a time when the British Government is under mounting pressure to radically review what many perceive as an outdated judicial system .
23 The sadness is the greater as the Act comes at a time when the accumulated wisdom from attempts to improve schools was establishing a consensus on how schools might more effectively meet the needs of all pupils .
24 His moment came at a time when shoring up the old seemed all that mattered or all that anyone could think of .
25 The meeting came at a time when relations between the two countries were unusually strained .
26 Ironically this change in public opinion came at a time when Arab terrorists were letting off bombs in Paris , which French people thought quite terrible .
27 This kind of move came at a time when Tetley 's , along with other arms of Allied Breweries , espoused and encouraged a culture of well-informed and caring in-house designers .
28 To illustrate this , here 's a II/V sequence down a cycle of 4ths , dealing with one string set at a time .
29 And to , to resign and to bring the new leader in charge to settle for a time .
30 Adjust your times so that your ETA at the holding point coincides with a time based on your last acknowledged position report , and flight plan for times for each section of the route .
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