Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 In a follow-up survey , the great majority rated it the best AIDS resource they had seen .
2 A note from Bartram in 1745 seems to imply a slight difference of opinion as his account of some American pines had been questioned : ‘ But as I have great opinion of Miller 's learning and judgement , I am engaged in duty and friendship to inform him the best I can . ’
3 Before re-assembling the valve give it a good clean and smear petroleum jelly on the piston and on the threads of the cap holding the washer , so that if necessary it can be undone more easily in the future .
4 We started many years ago by believing that innovation and uniqueness would provide the revenue to give us a good return , and for a time it did .
5 There was a full social programme to give them a good impression of Scotland and its people .
7 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
8 Housewifely talk suited them no better .
9 ‘ In the 1950s and 1960s I served my apprenticeship watching what the good caddies did — old Tip Anderson , Tip 's dad , and Little Mac , Dai Rees ' caddie .
10 The GXA Gaintec S3 graphics accelerator card makes it a good Windows workhorse .
11 ‘ The lean-line droopiness of Michael Crawford and Oliver Reed 's big-drum bravado make them the best double act since Laurel and Hardy , ’ wrote Alexander Walker in the London Evening Standard .
12 The Sports Council says it the best means of acquiring all-round fitness .
13 Turn off the water , drain down and bale out the cistern to give it a good clean .
14 Because they are required by law to give you the best investment advice , and unless they find out your personal details they ca n't do that .
15 A hundred years of county council government seems a strange reason to create a long distance path , but North Yorkshire County Council thought it a good enough excuse .
16 Tony tries and with his eyes watering declares it a good noggin .
17 But here Balboa 's persuasive charm did him no good : a Chief Torecha , leader of a tribe of mountain Caribs , set about defending his lands , and there was a brief and bloody battle which the Spaniards ( hardly surprisingly ) won .
18 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
19 It is prone to shrinking and should be pre-shrunk during the manufacture to make it a good buy .
20 ‘ The rest of the team know what a good job you 're doing , Fran .
21 Shower heads should be cleaned regularly with a nail brush ; every so often use a descaler to give them a good clean .
22 The Company felt very pleased when in 1717 it received an imperial decree giving it a good deal of the territorial autonomy for which its ambitious employees had hoped in the 1680s and , in return for an annual payment of 13,000 rupees , freed it from paying customs duties inside India , but there is no sign that the Company realized that developments of this sort showed the Moghul Empire was beginning to lose control of the country .
23 The satellite picture gives us a good indication of what 's to come this weekend .
24 ‘ Royal Gait gave me the best day of my racing career at Cheltenham last March , ’ he added .
25 Does my right hon. Friend realise that in dealing with things that we hold so dear we want to make sure that the European Community gives us a good bargain and that what we give to it will be given back to us ?
26 Supremely , however , this generous desire to show us the best in an author is manifested in his long chapter about Spenser , and there he marks himself out not as a kindly eccentric , but as a pioneer of modern taste .
27 If you 're the first correct entry out of the hat we 'll be straight on the phone to give you the good news and arrange the presentation .
28 She hesitated to call it a party , but the hostess thought it a good opporotunity to invite round like-minded friends .
29 Er someone tells him that , a policeman tells him the best way to look at it is if you were locked out your house
30 In principle it is extremely desirable , not only because of the basic ‘ otherness ’ of foreign poetry , but because such knowledge gives one a better sense of what English poetry can and can not do .
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