Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A young student at Bangor University made his first TV appearance with us .
2 Legislators and civil servants in the US enjoy a degree of independence and freedom to go their own way that is unheard of in the UK .
3 Previous nudes , even when taking the form of courtisanes , never allowed the odour of money to tarnish their classical form ; in Olympia , money is clearly at issue , sex becomes a commodity .
4 WILLIAMS , formally ] I am very glad to see you well and I am very glad of an opportunity to acknowledge your good intentions when you believed me in distress .
5 Accordingly on behalf of Department of Water and Drainage , as owners of the land , I can confirm that you have permission to erect your portable bird hide at Gladhouse subject to the following conditions :
6 He acted the fool , losing at first to whet their appetites , but in an hour emptied his three victims ' purses .
7 Indeed many are still advice workers and are thus constantly furnished with very real on-going practical experience to support their tutoring role .
8 This was , in fact , the key to Franco 's foreign policy throughout the Second World War : he viewed it primarily in terms of an opportunity to realize his own expansionist aims in Morocco .
9 Setting up of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell had been agreed in October 1945 ; approval to build the first British atomic pile for the production of plutonium had been given in December ; the Chiefs of Staff had stated their requirement for a British manufactured atomic bomb in January 1946 ; William Penney ( later Sir William ) had begun to plan the Atomic Weapons Section of the Armaments Research Establishment , of which he was Director , in mid-1946 ; the Air Ministry placed its first requisition for an atomic bomb on the Ministry of Supply in August ; and Lord Portal , the wartime Chief of Air Staff , who had become Controller of Atomic Energy in the Ministry of Supply , sought a mandate from the Prime Minister to set atomic bomb development in train during the autumn of 1946 .
10 Political Islam made its biggest splash not in the Middle East but in distant Algeria , and for reasons wholly unconnected with the Gulf war .
11 I was just let off for an afternoon to sit my first year Sociology exam and then I came into the hospital that was to be my home for the next three years .
12 Beer and whisky make your old uncle frisky .
13 Management does not have the freedom to optimise its own performance in pursuit of a single objective , or even in pursuit of a number of stable and compatible ones …
14 Next to him , I saw my mum push her grey hair from her temples .
15 Communities Theatre , erm , of er th they want a grant to support their current production .
16 The invasion of the non-marine habitat probably first happened in the Carboniferous , but relatives of the living land snails are rare before the Cretaceous , at which time the familiar Helix made its first appearance .
17 To pick out just a few examples : grandparents treat their grandchildren in the same way whether they live in Aberdeen or London ; middle-class people use money to support their close relatives in similar ways whether they live in Swansea , Sheffield or London ; people use their kin network to help them find employment whether they live in Glasgow , Basildon or Corby .
18 Then a Professor of German Literature applied his literary mind to the Gospels and declared that they were a work of fiction and that Jesus had not actually existed ?
19 The office was , however , ideally suited for a gentleman of ancient lineage , who , for whatever reason , had determined to live upon his own estate , and was experiencing difficulty maintaining his social rank and providing for his family .
20 The minister is to be regarded as head , and part of , his department , and his decision represents its collective wisdom .
21 Clarkson 's narrative revealed his own perseverance and commitment until exhaustion and financial difficulty overtook him in 1794 and Hoare fastened upon Clarkson 's continuing ‘ zeal ’ .
22 Should the auditor design his own software packages ?
23 It is here that the notion of contract plays its vital role — not the doctrines of contract law , which in many respects are as arid and unsupportive of commercial activity as a dedicated anti-capitalist could imagine — rather , contract as practice , as putting into words what the parties can and must do , and if need be adjusting , or excluding , particular rules of law .
24 ‘ After the birth Tony and I both felt very shaky and the midwife got us some tea right away , while they were tidying me up , just to calm us down .
25 Had there been a verification that nuclear fusion did occur in solids at room temperature , here is one theorist , and I am sure I speak for many colleagues , who would have taken up the new field to see what fundamental implications it had .
26 His presence transcends our best efforts to make relationships work .
27 Joe saw Dolly , blanket-wrapped , tumbled hair touching her bare shoulders .
28 Last December the Federal Reserve adjusted its reserve requirements on time deposits to encourage banks to lend more .
29 To the objectors , Barnes 's decision justified our persistent assertion that the Chernobyl accident was central to any assessment of nuclear power in Britain .
30 They had no great love for Conservatism , but , given the tenor of Liberal politics , saw the Conservative party as the last hope in a struggle to preserve their own brand of Liberalism .
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