Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [verb] a [det] " in BNC.

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1 Brown Owl needs to lose a few feathers for the summer
2 TWO scientists from Stirling University expect to shed a few tears at tonight 's United Kingdom premiere of a Hollywood film that tells the extraordinary story of Augusto and Michaela Odone 's love for their son Lorenzo .
3 Arrange to visit after the programme has had a few weeks to run .
4 At just 7 stone 7 , Sam Benham wo n't be rocking the Oxford boat , but her call up as cox has caused a few ripples and waves down on the Thames .
5 The defendant had moved a few weeks before to another address in the same town , but this fact was not discovered at the time .
6 Sometimes the photographs seemed exactly the same , or so it appeared until , somewhere in the frame , I would realise that a rock had rolled a few feet or yards , a tree was missing , a scarp subtly altered , and one had the sense of some immensely leisured , tranquil calibration of infinity .
7 My term had ended a few days before the start of Crispin 's leave , so we had agreed to travel up separately , and meet on Moila itself .
8 United then began to pile men forward as they had to , Simpson causing problems down the left , Phillips again in mid-field winning a lot of ball , but of course United leaving a few gaps at the back , and just before the finish , four minutes before the finish , that man Gascoigne put the game beyond United 's reach , giving Spurs a four two victory .
9 The Chancellor has shifted a few factors around , that 's all .
10 During the previous day a major naval battle had ensued a few miles to the east , and had continued into the night — the ‘ Battle of Matapan ’ ; a resounding defeat for the Italian Fleet .
11 Still , it appeared her advent had summoned a little luck into his life , for suddenly they began to discover plentiful growths of grass potatoes , forest leeks and turtle-berries , a welcome change from the stringy little rabbits and bitter roots they had eaten until then .
12 One English girl had fallen a few yards behind her companions and , as thirty spectators looked on , lost her daysack , with its camera , cash and diary , in a tug-of-war with the thief .
13 Following the reorganisation of the Assessment Services Department , the Field Officer team has seen a few staffing changes .
14 Confidence wins battles ; even false confidence has won a few .
15 The Platoon Sergeant loads the necessary extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment into the back of a vehicle and they speed off The accident has occurred a few hundred metres from the Turkish depot in which ammunition is stored for the Force .
16 Mudhoney 's move from hardcore grunge to quite melodic ( with a serrated edge ) pop has caused a few followers to bail out in search of more ‘ serious ’ stuff .
17 Unlike the classic 24-hour race , however , the group did snatch a few hours sleep .
18 She had got over their love affair before she agreed to marry Fred , although the young man 's sudden appearance had stirred a few very pleasant memories for her .
19 The 34-year-old ex-British Open champion has bought a former hotel at Dolphinton , Strathclyde , which he plans to convert into a luxury mansion .
20 They left the house by the same route by which they had entered , though had not gone far when her escort stopped to exchange a few words with an odd-job man who was undertaking a minor repair near some outbuildings .
21 Mercifully , I was able to complete all I had to do within a very few days and I wondered whether the Sheikh had put a few words in the right ears .
22 Gerry Fitt reiterated the point about Czechoslovakia ( the Soviet invasion had occurred a few days before ) .
23 The scientists who designed Turry 's remarkable suit have made a few alterations .
24 The result is likely to be closer relationships between customers and suppliers , which could be good news : Japanese companies such as Honda Motor tend to choose a few preferred suppliers and stick with them , rather than playing the field , and this policy seems to have paid off handsomely .
25 Bon Jovi 's layoff did have a few positive spin-offs for Sambora , providing him with the chance to do his long-planned solo album .
26 His father had asked a few questions , and looked grave .
27 It was not completely unknown because my father had let a few art lovers see it , and , later on , some researchers into Modigliani .
28 I often took it with me when going to the allotment and felt very grown up on the return journey if my father had put a few vegetables in it .
29 The constant mortaring and shelling of the area had dislodged a few of the corpses and the flies and mosquitoes were everywhere .
30 On our drizzly recce day another stunning ‘ climb-me ’ crackline had got a few hearts fluttering — a beautiful , curving hand crack as a main course , a direct finish for dessert and a few spaced rings for spice .
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