Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] quite a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We were n't , I now realise by doing the sums , badly off My father paid the rent , all the bills , gave us our pocket money , and a fixed sum of f7 a week housekeeping money quite a lot in the late 1950s — went on being handed over every Friday until his death , even when estrangement was obvious , and he was living most of the time with someone else .
2 Er head a group or group leader quite a way .
3 I like to use an Ibanez Tube Screamer quite a bit ; I have other pedals like EQ , delay and compressor , but I hardly use them . ’
4 still in , in one way , in European and North American situations women do seem to have the same sort of job opportunities as men do what about somewhere like Africa what about the West Coast of Africa , we talked about Nigeria and West Africa quite a lot , what about women involved in there ?
5 Hillwalkers really do owe the competitive and innovative ski market quite a debt — and it is n't ended yet .
6 IBM Corp 's quest for a new chief executive appears to be narrowing , but you pays your money and you takes your choice when it comes to drawing up a list of front-runners — US PC Week reckons that the company will go for a chairman from outside and suggests Paul Stern and Perot Systems Corp chairman Morton Meyerson as the front-runners , with an internal chief executive , putting its money on Ellen Hancock and Bernard Puckett , but the Reuter shortlist is quite different , and has Lawrence Bossidy , chairman of Allied-Signal Corp out front , saying he has visited Armonk at least three or four times , Paul Stern is in there again , and John Sculley is back in the picture , with one source quoted as saying ‘ The rumour is that Sculley is acting quite disinterested , but his travel plans include going to the East Coast quite a bit ; ’ Reuter 's other possible contender is Michael Armstrong , who left only last year .
7 er she bought these new leather shoes quite a while ago , but even they and they were the widest she could buy , but they needed stretching , so Joanne , Paul 's girlfriend , had got one of these shoe stretching things , you put it in and twist it and it goes up and up , well even that at it 's highest would n't , you know , at it 's furthest , well it was sticking out as far as it could go , even that was n't filling it , so she stuck a spud down the end of it
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