Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] and [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The inner cities have been hit by reductions in rate support grant and by rate capping .
2 Most are living in north London , on income support and with help from Kurdish groups .
3 In addition to the daily service there are functions in a main function suite and in conference rooms on every floor .
4 AST Research Inc 's agreement to buy Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing business will shoot the Irvine , California company up to fourth place in the US market ahead of Dell Computer Corp and behind Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp — but why should anyone want to buy a personal computer manufacturer — after all no-one came in for bankrupt Everex Systems Inc : the answer is that the deal includes full access to Tandy 's retail stores — AST will supply machines to be sold under the Tandy brand name ; the plant in Scotland is also an attraction .
5 Two years later , the Philadelphia Stock Exchange ( PHLX ) also began to trade share options , and the next wave was in 1982 when CBoT introduced options on US T-bond futures and PHLX introduced options on dollar denominated currencies , followed smartly by the CME with options on its stock index future and on currency futures .
6 Q : I went to a computer auction and on impulse bought a boxed portable XT .
7 Now the makers of the Bundee CD3 Repair System — available in hi-fi shops and by mail order on 0895 436078 — say it will restore even discs scratched all over with steel wool .
8 But with him having on this side , because he 's so blooming awkward he 's been pressing the play switch and of course , so the tapes been turning round , have n't bothered to che , so you know , he was sort of saying well well play that tape and I 'll write their names down of the people as they speak , just the first names , you know so there 's loads of
9 The two countries now have the right to dump such material after 2007 , but they have undertaken to give serious consideration to finding land-based alternatives in the meantime and will only be able to dump after consultation with the other signatory states and in accordance with the " no-harm " principle .
10 Much is being discovered about the nature of bacteria and viruses , and the physiology of cells , leading to a better understanding of the control of host cell function and to development of more effective chemotherapy .
11 This will entail a study of both of Irish research institutions and of science policy making in the Irish Republic .
12 This study centred on the group nature and aspects of football support and of delinquency at football matches .
13 The same test applies now throughout the Theft Acts and in conspiracy to defraud .
14 Thus both the setting and the monitoring of performance of the railways in relation to the PSO grant , to investment programmes and to planning , are beset with problems of information .
15 However even though it is a neural network however , erm you can see it is a pack recognition technique and in fact it was first developed in nineteen fifty nine as the N tuple method er by some chap Browning erm I think cos I 've never heard of Browning since that paper .
16 At honours levels , there are compulsory courses in the principles of social policy , in research methods and in computing and many options which cover all the major policy areas ( eg education , health , housing and social work ) , different policy perspectives ( eg economics , gender , and law ) different national orientations ( eg Scotland and developing countries ) ; and specialist subjects ( eg children , the private sector and poverty ) .
17 And in Korea , the repression of opposition parties and of student and workers ' protest suggested that policies suitable to early phases of industrialisation might not continue to be so acceptable .
18 Called by the five main opposition parties and by trade unions , the protest took place with government consent .
19 It was very nerve racking and of course it was hard work .
20 Initially the flow out of the labour force and into retirement was concentrated among men within three years of pension age .
21 Unemployment is not equally distributed among all groups in society but is concentrated among some of the poorest and least powerful in the labour force and in society as a whole .
22 Initially applied in the context of lakes and their drainage basins which can be used as units of sediment-based ecological study ( Oldfield , 1977 ) , the techniques have now been shown to have widespread application to sediment correlation in lake sediments , to differentiation of weathering and pedogenesis , to the identification of sediment sources , and there may subsequently be application of mineral magnetic measurements to long sediment sequences from major lake basins in non-glaciated regions , to near-shore marine sediments in morphogenetically dynamic areas , and also to cave sediments , alluvial fills , river terrace sequences and to loess successions .
23 Three key posts were now occupied by men identified as followers of Solchaga : José Borrell Fontelles , a new appointee , headed a new Ministry of Public Works and Transport ( also called the " infrastructure " ministry ) ; Pedro Solbes Mira , also new to the government , became Agriculture minister ; José Claudio Aranzadi Martínez retained the Industry portfolio and in addition took over the Commerce and Tourism portfolios .
24 These principles remain important because of the narrow scope and possible inapplicability of ss.61 and 62 of the FSA , which may only be invoked in the context of investment business and on condition that a rule against insider dealing has been adopted by the SIB , an SRO , or an RPB .
25 There was no significant difference between the birth weight of diabetic subjects not receiving insulin ( 3.39+-(0.58) kg , n=20 ) and the birth weight of those with impaired glucose tolerance and with normoglycaemia .
26 And as Mrs Johnstone , alias Meg Dods , author of the admirable Housewife 's Manual of 1826 wrote , " What is left of the clarified butter ( from potted lobster or crab ) will be very relishing for sauces " while " any butter from potted tongue or chicken remaining uneaten will afterwards be useful for frying meat and for pastry for pies " .
27 Patients are reimbursed for 85% of the schedule fee for each item of general practitioner service and for specialist consultations outside hospitals .
28 The evidence for genetic vulnerability to anorexia nervosa comes from about 100 twin pairs taken from selected-twin case-report summaries and from twin studies .
29 The BLM has also set aside 1.5 million acres of formerly pristine wilderness for unlimited shooting ranges and for use by jeeps , dune buggies and dirt bikes .
30 Accession to the Treaty of Rome was thus , in 1971 , effected by the conclusion by the government , in the exercise of prerogative powers and without reference to Parliament , of a Treaty of Accession to the Treaty of Rome followed later ( as was necessary in order to give this accession effect within the United Kingdom ) by the enactment by Parliament of the European Communities Act 1972 .
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