Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Recent experience of walking Long Distance Footpaths ( LDPs ) has led me to believe that there is a case for de-emphasising certain routes ( I understand that the RA currently recommends Duke of Edinburgh Award Groups to avoid the Three Peaks for example ) .
2 In 1971 Oleg Lyalin , a KGB officer working at the Russian trade mission in London , defected to MI6 and gave enough information about Russian espionage activities to justify the prime minister , Edward Heath , expelling an unprecedented 105 Russian diplomats from Britain .
3 Recognising his own inadequacy as a general , he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies .
4 The list referred only briefly and somewhat obliquely to classroom practice , recommending ( but not defining ) : a stimulating and challenging learning environment ; flexible teaching strategies to meet the identified needs of individual pupils ; and specific practical help for individuals and small groups .
5 The Town Trail attempts to link the long history of Northampton and present you , the visitor , with a taste of the heritage which belongs to this handsome town . .
6 SEVERAL thousand hard-liners demonstrated yesterday outside the Russian parliament building to mark the second anniversary of the August 1991 coup and demand the resignation of President Boris Yeltsin .
7 And it has given the board opportunity to take the necessary action .
8 We in the West try to keep the spiritual and the material together and our minds are confused and jumbled ; the mundane distracting us from the spiritual , and the spiritual distracting us from the mundane .
9 There is a new Nelson First Certificate Course to accompany the three other course titles Nelson already has for the same exam .
10 The only modern touch is the use of the occasional thunder flash to keep the wild herd on the move in the right direction .
11 Using some scraps of board , it is worth experimenting with exposure times to optimise the UV time period .
12 A privately run dock has been opened at Antigua Yacht Club to increase the mooring space in busy Falmouth Harbour .
13 Although these techniques developed by Sibbald et al ( 25 ) using a computer programme to determine the optimum allocation of land to agriculture and forestry make it possible to reach a more objective decision about the allocation of land to agriculture or forestry in an integrated scheme we , as yet , know little or nothing about the impact of agriculture or forest development on rural communities .
14 Another example of the multivariate approach is provided by Webber and Craig ( 1978 ) who used 40 variables from the 1971 Small Area Statistics Census data to classify the British population into six main family types and a number of sub-clusters , making 30 groups altogether , as shown in a simplified form in Figure 5.6 .
15 The methodology employed has three basic elements : a literature review to establish the necessary conceptual framework ; the collection of existing data from relevant sources ; an empirical study of Glasgow University , Glasgow Polytechnic and Paisley College of Technology , with some comparison of their treatment of non-traditional students .
16 Cheney 's decision to cancel rather than rescue the stricken programme was also widely interpreted as an attempt by the Defence Department to repudiate the long-standing convention that defence contractors could enter into unrealistic contracts confident that the government would make good any losses suffered in cases other than fraud or gross mismanagement .
17 Floodlight pylons have had to be taken down at St George 's Park and Newlands as part of the crash building programme to have the new stands ready for next season 's Indian tour in November .
18 She had spread a newspaper on the chancel steps to receive the discarded items and next to it , arranged neatly side by side , were her handbag , a pair of scissors and a flat basket containing some sprays of foliage and white carnations .
19 AEA has been working closely with the air transport industry throughout Europe and the US to develop rapid , reliable and cost effective inspection methods to ensure the continued airworthiness of commercial and military aircraft .
20 Ungar ( 1973 ) alleges that the test results on which Merrell secured permission from the Federal Drug Administration to market the chemical substance were proven to be ‘ doctored ’ , thus concealing the extent to which the company knew of the drug 's adverse side-effects .
21 The other is connected essentially or actually in parallel with the load through a large enough resistance R to swamp the inductive reactance , also as indicated in figure 7.2(b) .
22 It was not a simple matter of carrying out fieldwork , thinking about the results , publishing them , and waiting for peer review to ensure the next research grant .
23 Dropped from the bill was the proposal presented on Oct. 31 by Democrats Les Aspin ( Wisconsin ) and Sam Nunn ( Georgia ) , respective chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees , to divert $1,000 million from the Defence Department budget to help the Soviet Union combat hunger and demilitarize its economy .
24 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
25 Fortunately for Marcel Martin and his Rugby World Cup ( RWC ) organising committee the Namibians went into over-drive and , inspired by Mans , managed to turn around a 10–4 half-time deficit to beat the fired-up Zimbabweans 16–10 .
26 Each theory in effect attempts to draw the following distinction .
27 He used his pay-off money to buy the five barrel capacity plant .
28 Only the shortest of memories will have forgotten how declining Western industries successfully sought tariff and quota protection to counter the greater efficiency of Far Eastern competitors .
29 Norway 's Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland has called for tough carbon taxes to protect the global environment at the biennial Offshore Northern Seas oil and gas conference in Stavanger .
30 Searchers not only express their subject needs in brief and concise terms but also tend to use a broad search formulation to access the bibliographic tool , i.e. , broader than their expressed topic .
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