Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , there were no significant differences in cholesterol values with change of tumour grade when analysed for stage A and B alone , or for stage C and D alone .
2 The future It was peculiarly difficult to predict future trends at the present time when it was anticipated that there would be a major re-distribution of work in the trial courts in consequence of legislation to give effect to the recommendations of the Civil Justice Review .
3 The FAOR proposals for storage of information in the long term using a filly computerised system were also investigated thoroughly , particularly as these had a bearing on the manner in which the index system would be developed .
4 At the ‘ O ’ Group held on the Troop Commander 's return , each Rig Commander was briefed on his part in the forthcoming operation , his place in bridge and on the contingency plans in case of breakdown , accident or enemy interference .
5 Then , he was presenting Bellamy 's Backyard Safari on behalf of BBC 1 and had been specially miniaturised for the role .
6 Walks on the beach were impossible because the Army had covered the sands with barbed wire and netting and on the couple 's first night the skating rink in front of the Grand Hotel was burned down .
7 You are entitled to a money refund for breach of contract .
8 However , although it is possible to identify a number of common facilitating factors in the development of employers ' associations in various countries there are also some important differences both between and within countries , particularly in the extent to which these bodies engage in direct negotiating activities on behalf of their members .
9 Avoid money discussions in front of the teenagers .
10 In some species , the workers open special slits in the sides of the mound and build take-off ramps in front of them .
11 Staughton LJ said that in this case plans for development of new products and for the discontinuance of existing products were likely to qualify as trade secrets or as confidential information which could be protected .
12 Use gold top calf milk powder in place of more expensive equine variety .
13 Gordon looks set to make his Premier Division debut against bottom of the table Dunfermline this weekend .
14 And there was poor Fred , speaking up for the reviled council block in which he , unlike any of the others , lived : ‘ Nay , it 's not that bad , it 's a lot of it exaggeration , ’ he interposed mildly , as Steve repeated the time-worn allegation that it was n't safe to walk under the deck walkways for fear of having a television set or an old mattress chucked on your head : ‘ Nay , it 's not that bad at all . ’
15 Moreover , blanket support by volume of output ensures that most of the support goes to the wealthiest 25 per cent of landowners , who produce 75 per cent of output .
16 On April 29 , Michael Goodman , district manager , South Western area , launched his district fundraising activities in aid of the Leonora Children 's Cancer Trust .
17 One well known database is Major Hazard Incident Data Service ( MHIDAS ) global industrial hazards database which is currently being developed by the Safety and Reliability Directorate on behalf of the Major Hazards Assessment Unit of the UK Health and Safety Directorate .
18 Almost suffocating myself with a minimum breathing aperture on account of the midges , I also started to condense inside the bag .
19 Y'know kind of kind of comments or playful thoughts you might pass about somebody but you you try not to do it seriously as it were , you try not to let it affect your behaviour towards them , you try to not be surprised if they disclose they 're gay or heterosexual or whatever so er
20 The sub-schema DDL allows the setting up of particular user views of part of the schema , such as the specification of privacy locks , and the renaming and redescription of data items and records .
21 These tests determine the release of ruthenium and other fission products during oxidation of irradiated AGR fuel in the event of a refuelling incident .
22 Capital financing and budget proposals in respect of the recommended course of action
23 306 , the Court of Appeal had held that a trade association which by its constitution had power to put the name of a person infringing its rules on a stop list , could instead lawfully ask the person concerned to make a money payment by way of compromise .
24 The report , which examined whether industry , commerce and the police had sufficient specialist advice to assist in the detection and investigation of offences , recommends that business and the Government highlight the cost of computer misuse as part of an overall promotion of computer security awareness ; conduct regular surveys of the incidence of computer misuse ; and encourage the development of a directory of suppliers of expert advice .
25 Monetarist theory argues that the two lines on the graph should more or less coincide over long periods , showing that any increase in the money stock in excess of that needed to finance real output growth will be dissipated in price rises .
26 Request for attention to road subsidence at Baberton Avenue West Side near junction of Lanark Road .
27 Request for attention to road subsidence at Baberton Avenue West Side near junction of Lanark Road .
28 Section 4(1) of the 1981 Act provides : ’ Subject to this section a person is not guilty of contempt of court under the strict liability rule in respect of a fair and accurate report of legal proceeding held in public , published contemporaneously and in good faith . ’
29 Car park boost AS part of the Amlwch Rural Prosperity programme Ynys Mn Borough Council , with backing from the Welsh Development Agency , wants to carry out improvements , costing £25,000 , at the Parys Square car park near the town 's library .
30 I have recently purchased a house with a 750 gallon pond on top of the septic tank , housing one 10″ Koi .
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