Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] provide for the " in BNC.

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1 The pressure on computer manufacturers to provide for the proper disposal of used computer equipment , which goes beyond dumping it into approved landfills , continues to build from both within and without the industry .
2 ( a ) Initiating the review Many rent review clauses provide for the procedure to be initiated by the service of a notice .
3 The new election law provided for the election of not less than 140 deputies to parliament ( previously 250 ) .
4 Parliament on March 14 approved a new defence law providing for the reduction of compulsory military service from two years to 18 months and the extension of annual leave from 10 to 30 days .
5 In its origin feudalism provided for the recruitment of vitally needed cavalry troops in a society which lacked the liquid money to pay troops in cash .
6 However , a party can not evade the Act by a choice of law clause providing for the contract to be governed by the law of some state other than the UK .
7 The sentimentalists are there , too , as Mr Punch lampooned the sumptuous diet afforded to convicts and the dancing lessons provided for the ‘ Roughs ’ in Her Majesty 's Prisons .
8 Advanced expert systems provide for the integration with conventional applications software .
9 The peace agreement provided for the separation of guerrilla and military forces according to a set timetable by March 12 , 1992 , under UN supervision .
10 Akashi was reported to have dismissed these Khmer Rouge demands , insisting that the peace agreement provided for the country 's Vietnamese-installed administration to remain in place until replaced by an elected government in April or May 1993 .
11 Waite actions were begun both in the English and the Irish courts in respect of breach of a licensing agreement providing for the manufacture in Ireland of bullet-proof vests for the Libyan authorities .
12 On April 22 , Radio Cameroon reported that the National Assembly had passed an amnesty bill providing for the return of political exiles and complying with an opposition demand for the freeing of political prisoners , believed to number several hundreds .
13 These will be related to its function i providing for the personal lifestyles of the Pelham family as well as its role as a local and national power base .
14 The first is that the donations that would be made would go to charitable social service agencies providing for the same groups as statutory agencies .
15 Another advanced feature was the electric starter motor provided for the engine , and the Once-Over was possibly the first tractor with this equipment .
16 Until the appearance in the late eighteenth century of catalogues and pattern books on the types of coffin , linings and coffin furniture provided for the lower-class funeral , the details relating to the upper and middle classes of society have to be gleaned from undertakers ' trade cards , eyewitness accounts of funerals and through specific instructions imparted via wills .
17 The ISVA form provides for the review procedure to be by way of arbitration , unless the parties have already agreed on an expert .
18 man was really ill and was making use of the paper bag provided for the purpose .
19 Dec. 26 , 1990 : signature of Bulgarian-Soviet trade agreement providing for the delivery of 5,000,000 tonnes of Soviet oil ( with a possibility of a further 1,500,000 tonnes ) in exchange for Bulgarian goods .
20 Law Society rules provide for the way client money held by a solicitor should be accounted for , and the rules currently require solicitors to submit an annual accountant 's report .
21 Hensen established an important research school at Kiel in Germany , aided by state support provided for the study of fisheries stocks .
22 Basically , a matrix organisation provides for the formalisation of management control across functional boundaries , whilst at the same time maintaining functional departmentation .
23 The Sejm 's draft bill provided for the direct election of less than a quarter of the 460 Sejm deputies , with the remaining seats distributed to parties proportional to the votes won by their national lists of candidates .
24 On April 27 , 1990 , Norway and Israel signed a draft agreement providing for the return of 10.5 tonnes of heavy water ( deuterium oxide , used to cool nuclear reactors ) to Norway , half the amount which had been sent to Israel in 1959 .
25 The Employment Service Framework Document provides for the review and revision of this Agreement if necessary .
26 A company rule provided for the instant and automatic dismissal of anyone found smoking on the premises .
27 2.15.4 any nursery premises provided for the benefit of persons using the Centre generally
28 Six saloon carriages provided for the suite corresponded externally with the Royal saloons , so that the train , when made up complete , presented a harmonious and uniform appearance .
29 The time that this timetable motion provides for the Committee stage will be ample for consideration of the issues that the House as a whole has shown it wishes to raise .
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