Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] call [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The National Co-ordination Committee of Opposition Groups called for a day of civil disobedience on April 15 and for a general strike — " Operation dead cities " — on April 18 and 19 , which appeared to be widely observed .
2 The research publication calls on a number of representative bodies , including the London Stock Exchange , the Financial Reporting Council , the ASB , the Urgent Issues Task Force and the Auditing Practices Board , to consider how they should respond to environmental issues .
3 Your rhythm style calls for a great deal of aggressive down-stroke picking …
4 In August 1988 both sides had agreed in principle to a UN peace plan calling for a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners and to a referendum designed to give the inhabitants of the territory ( administered as a Spanish colony until 1976 ) a choice between independence or integration into Morocco .
5 Libel damages call for a metaphysical evaluation of dignity , a compensation , in many cases , for loss of amour propre which may be higher than the courts would award for the loss of an arm or a leg .
6 As we have said , if your let-down procedure calls for a final descent rate of 800 ft/min , there is no time for trial and error .
7 Owners of transport companies called off a nation-wide strike on Nov. 13 after six days of widespread disruption affecting bus , train and taxi services .
8 Bypass go-ahead at last but pressure group favours rail link The long-awaited Guisborough bypass was officially given the go-ahead by Cleveland county council on Tuesday just as a transport group called for a re-think on the multi-million pound scheme .
9 The use of a new computer software distribution program calls for a reduction in manpower from three to two in the traffic clerks ' office .
10 Several British supermarket chains have asked their suppliers to stop using fish which comes from the Faroe islands , after the Environmental Investigation Agency called for a boycott of Faroese products in protest at the annual killing of pilot whales .
11 The relevance of this variant comes earlier in the poem whose opening stanzas call for a painting of Ariadne deserted on Naxos .
12 Shaikh Jabir called for a united front , adding that Iraq had sought wrongfully to exploit the differences arising from " the endeavours and efforts of some Kuwaiti activists to organise the Kuwaiti state " .
13 The national radio , Voix du Zaïre , reported that in Kinshasa on April 10 a peaceful student demonstration calling for a national conference had been dispersed by troops using tear gas .
14 In his address on Nov. 2 the FIS leader Abbasi Madani called for a jihad ( " holy war " ) if " there [ was ] any procrastination in holding these elections " .
15 A student union called for a one-day strike at local colleges .
16 In December 1966 , police had to evict anti-war demonstrators from the Berkeley campus , and , as student leaders called for a campus strike , they started singing the old student favourite ‘ Solidarity Forever ’ .
17 The Consumer Congress called for a working party to draft a code of good practice and it was intended that working party should make use of the information generated by the 1988 transport workshop , whose discussions were reported to the congress .
18 On 4th , May 1926 , the Trades Union Council called for a General Strike in support or striking coal miners .
19 In order to ensure a more appropriate distribution across the states of production , prices and a rational pattern of modernisation , the treaty schedule called for a five-year transitional period of two distinct stages .
20 Last summer he suggested that the appalling state of government finances called for a fundamental reassessment of the way it spends £250 billion a year of taxpayers ' money .
21 Babcock felt MacArthur would probably approve a treaty clause calling for a re-examination of Japan 's security situation five or ten years after signature of the treaty .
22 The competition brief called for a tower to act primarily as a landmark .
23 The trend now is to avoid taking children 's tonsils out , but the Lancet report calls for a review of this policy in the cases of children who are severely affected by snoring .
24 In the report CNP calls for a number of proposals including — abandoning the 1998 deadline for renewable energy subsidies ; enabling grants to run for 15 years from the start of any one project ; issuing planning policy guidance on how to deal with planning applications , and giving encouragement to offshore wind generation which they claim could provide 50% of energy needs .
25 Last week NATO 's defence ministers called for a halt to cuts in defence spending , lest they undermine the cohesion of the alliance .
26 When the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and the first killings began , one might have expected these siren voices calling for a third way to fall silent .
27 This coalition must hold together in the post-war settlement and resist the siren voices calling for a huge re-arming of the region .
28 The council 's draft structure plan calls for a " setback " line at least 75 metres from the shore .
29 Rod Richards , the Tory MP for Clwyd North West , was speaking at an impromptu Press conference called during a constituency surgery at Rhyl which had been picketed by a small group of demonstrators objecting to his stance over the issue of pit closures .
30 Rod Richards , the Tory Member for Clwyd North West , was speaking at an impromptu Press conference called during a constituency surgery at Rhyl which had been picketed by a small group of demonstrators objecting to his stance over the issue of pit closures .
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