Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [be] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 The Queen Mother was at first expected to stay at her London home , Clarence House , but is now scheduled to attend .
2 German ‘ pure ’ contrapuntal keyboard music was at first always for organ , not harpsichord , and stylistically modelled on the Venetians , as may be seen in the two fantasies and two canzoni francese in Paix 's book and the various organ works of Hassler and his successor at Augsburg , Christian Erbach ( c. 1570–1635 ) .
3 ACCORDING to Clarence Wyatt 's ‘ Paper Soldiers ’ * , being sent to wartime Vietnam was at first about as agreeable a job as a reporter could hope for .
4 The tenanted trade manager was at first Mike Bryan , a former area manager for Whitbreads .
5 The morale of the air force was at first excellent , this being achieved through provision of better rations and other privileges .
6 Yeah , cos the Rug Rats are on first .
7 The legal status of agency workers is at first sight rather anomalous .
8 Consequently in the western world diamonds were at first not regarded as objects of beauty — other stones such as emeralds and red garnets were preferred .
9 They did not wear much in the way of body protection or helmets ( early Frankish shield bosses were at first classified as helmets by early archaeologists ) .
10 The citation order was at first unsatisfactory and modifications were made in order to better reflect the needs of users .
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