Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Every school has its management and national curriculum provision once a year by inspectors .
2 We were n't , I now realise by doing the sums , badly off My father paid the rent , all the bills , gave us our pocket money , and a fixed sum of f7 a week housekeeping money quite a lot in the late 1950s — went on being handed over every Friday until his death , even when estrangement was obvious , and he was living most of the time with someone else .
3 At PC World , Mr Murray is conscious of the need to allay misgivings about after-sales care voiced by computer manufacturers when the superstore concept was mooted in the UK .
4 The solution to the difficulty demands instead a review of all the cases in which legacy and trust are confused .
5 So now what 's happening is we 're before we 're doing an album we sit down and we pick out a lot of songs we decide right you know we need songs with good story books so the video is near enough planned with the recording of the song and it it 's a lot easier for us and a lot more enjoyable enough a lot more enjoyable .
6 It is a harsh punishment to have to walk the glider all the way back , particularly after a cable break where the glider lands in the middle of the airfield .
7 In the later Vogue piece only the style remained as the far more overtly sexual , Kahloesque models lounged and pouted in their ‘ Mexican ’ interiors .
8 The long-term guarantee of a full and desirable simulcast service from Marcopolo in MAC would give the British electronics industry both the incentive to continue developing MAC technology and the live transmissions on which development depends .
9 This type of control works well with most 8-bit computers where the keyboard is monitored by input ports , and direct reading of each key ( or something close to it ) is possible .
10 To combat the opposite extreme of jerry-building , we would make membership of the Housebuilders ' Registration Council 's register compulsory upon all contractors for local authority houses , with a view to rendering the building industry eventually an industry subject throughout to publicly-approved standards .
11 Recent studies have described how racism shapes both the distribution and experience of poverty and the patterns of physical and mental ill-health associated with it ( see the chapter here by Juliet Cook and Shantu Watt ; also Gordon and Newnham , 1985 ; Eyles and Donovan , 1990 ) .
12 For risks in Northern Ireland and certain other Rating Districts where the experience has been unfavourable the premium increase is higher than elsewhere although it will still be partially offset where the Rating Group of the insured car has been reduced .
13 Many Stoddard Templeton ranges already use heather effect yarns so the benefit to the company could be considerable .
14 It is understood that the figure of almost £300,000 owed to the club 's short term creditors when the club last published its accounts in July last year is still at the same level .
15 The result Kelly too a tumble and Gavin Peacock slammed home the kick .
16 In addition , adjustments are made to reflect the alignment of accounting policies where the accounting policies of acquired companies would otherwise be inconsistent with those of the Group .
17 Investment banking although this year it 's a very different difficult environment for investment banking particularly a house that concentrates on , on corporate finance er there has n't been a great deal of M and A activity and if , if there has it has n't been a very high erm very high ticket .
18 Fifa is also considering a rule change whereby an attacker level with the last defender would not be offside .
19 And even if the signature is original it would only be of value to an autograph hunter not an art collector .
20 If a country depends on one or two primary products , e.g. bauxite or coffee , for the bulk of its export revenue then a fall in world demand and prices for these products can have a disastrous impact on export revenues , GNP growth and economic development programmes .
21 make haste to tin huts where a twelve-hour
22 The judge went on to find that not only was the information contained in the manuals and the feasibility study not a trade secret but that the information contained in the feasibility study was too obvious and too vague and unspecific to be caught by any alleged fiduciary duty that the defendants were under .
23 lick your boom boom now a lick your boom boom now
24 On the supply side , the main sources of equity investment notably the Business Expansion Scheme , the venture capital industry and the Unlisted Securities Market are aimed at larger ‘ small ’ businesses .
25 Much of the resetting of the lunar radiometric clocks is probably the result of impact heating , except that if the mare basalt samples are chips off lava infill then the resetting here would correspond to the solidification of geologically produced lavas .
26 If any modules have been nominated for deletion at the end of a MINTEG run then the LIFESPAN manager and managers of any modules nominated are sent mail messages reporting on the nominations for deletion .
27 More useful are term bills where a period of credit is allowed .
28 It took fire and ambulance crews nearly an hour to cut Hilda McClanachan free from the wreckage of her Peugeot car .
29 The WRVS aim to run their tea bar whenever the court is sitting , usually three times a week , but provided the rota is working well ( ‘ which it does ’ , Mrs. Rooney said ) the organiser needs only to call in once a week .
30 If you are going to use computer generated artwork in your publications , be they business graphs , drawings or logos then ensure that they are created with a drawing package not a painting one .
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