Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Being adequately prepared with contingency plans for such an eventuality is about the most you can do .
2 It is not intended that the SCOTVEC Sciences provision should duplicate that of the SEB but it should articulate with the SEB provision in such a way as to allow transfer between the two systems .
3 Following a large budget deficit in 1990 the Minister of Finance and Commerce announced plans to reduce public spending .
4 We never pretend we have majority support for all the hard cases — pregnancy through rape , for example , ’ Mrs Bowman said .
5 And finally , a last word on our election coverage to all the Lab-our activists in the new seat of Milton Keynes North East , who proved us wrong in our assessment that the Lib Dems were the main challengers to the Tories there .
6 Crew believes you can more easily judge sentence complexity from such a graphic view .
7 The solution devised by the jurists is discussed in more detail in the next chapter : they appealed to fides ; decided that in good faith payment of such a request was required ; and inspired the necessary procedural recognition of such requests .
8 The release is written and sent out in a blanket mailing of all the media outlets on the PR department " Press List " and the PR sits back and thinks the job well done .
9 The implications of the moves towards greater E C integration for the sector , encouraging the development of effective networks , of voluntary organisations across the community as a whole , and building relationships with all the institutions , of the European Community to ensure that the interests of the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom are both maintained and arguable enhanced .
10 One feature of the Act was the principle of majority rule for electing the employees ' bargaining representative which would then be granted exclusive jurisdiction as the negotiating agent for all the employees in the .
11 First came a 7,000 mile , six day round trip from ocean to ocean for Rugby Canada 's two games in Newfoundland ; then back to the west coast with all the healthy B.C. players involved in one or more of the eight games undertaken against Swansea and Northumberland .
12 Are you trying to make dipsomaniacs of us all , or is the worldwide whisky industry in such a recession ?
13 This incident also tested our response capability in such an emergency and we feel that the management of the incident went extremely well . ’
14 In the spring parliament of 1340 the commons offered a grant of tax subject to conditions which now went much further than the concessions they had sought in the previous year and which were reminiscent of the concerns of the Ordainers in 1310–11 .
15 The study will seek to fill a gap in the research literature concerning both the extent of science coverage in the mass media and an understanding of the factors which influence the selection and presentation of science to a wider media audience .
16 I also asked him to get in touch with the FAA in Washington so that they , as the airworthiness authority which originally certified the aircraft type as airworthy , could take appropriate action by informing the airworthiness authorities of all the States in the world that operated those aircraft .
17 What happens in er in genetics and how the genetic code is passed on , is that er this double strand of er this double strand is unzipped as it were , and it is just like a kind of zip fastener in that the teeth are the corresponding bases .
18 They had to fit the cars in the car park in such a way that each car could get in and out .
19 Go straight on here , down Back Lane , reaching the Upton Dyke car park in half a mile .
20 There was nothing novel about the idea , but that alongside with liaison meetings of all the groups and the Union around specific issues , helped to strengthen links between us all .
21 Any character setting foot on such an area must make a successful I test ( +10 bonus for a Halfling , -10 penalty for any character carrying 75% or more of their normal encumbrance limit ) or else the wood gives way , leading to an 8-yard drop .
22 In the Boxer rising of 1900 a total of seventy-nine China Inland Mission missionaries and children were killed .
23 In such an environment London 's share of eurobond business has grown in a self-sustaining manner , as by the mid-1980s the origination activities of all the leading firms had become centralised in London .
24 The Countryside Commission , for example , has funded an extensive research programme in both the lowlands and the uplands in order to assess the extent of existing landscape change and to demonstrate how profitable farming and an attractive countryside may be combined .
25 Apparent success came with the announcement in April 1985 of a three quarter million pound investment programme to resignal the line .
26 A side effect of such a procedure would be to strengthen the position of the individual auditor both in relation to his clients and to his ‘ partner equivalents ’ ; in today 's highly competitive audit market , the auditor does encounter clients who exert considerable pressure to accept controversial accounting practices .
27 I have designed the Maintenance Programme in such a way that after your warm-up you can select just the movements and exercises you want .
28 On the occasion of his silver wedding in 1929 The Deaf Quarterly Hems recorded : " Mr. McDougall 's connection with the BDDA needs no comments .
29 Vitamin C reduced cell proliferation in all the crypt compartments from the apex to the base to those values seen in age and sex matched controls .
30 The prison offers a mixture of straight employment and trade training courses , together with the many jobs which are essential to the daily running of an institution : cleaners , cooks , maintenance parties for both the buildings and the grounds .
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