Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the fact that fewer people in low income groups use credit at all means that , of those who do , a higher proportion are likely to be heavy credit users .
2 According to officers stationed at Darlington , the silent majority now support Mr Thompson 's plans and believe they could even speed response times to house fires in the town .
3 However , after a £50,000,000 compensation package for UK depositors and employees had been put together by the Abu Dhabi government on July 30 , the High Court in London granted the bank a four-month delay to allow more time for majority shareholders to explore ways of reviving BCCI .
4 I can not recall the number of occasions I shuffled back in regulation sex cinema garb to see Daughters of Darkness , the lesbian vampire movie that starred Delphine Seyrig as Countess Erzsébet Bàthory and Andrea Rau as her lover Ilona .
5 IBM Corp says its Personal Computer Co shipped 30% to 35% more personal computers in the first quarter than it did during the year-ago period , and vice-chairman Jack Kuehler expects it to be ‘ reasonably profitable ’ in 1993 — but the personal computer business is now so volatile that making forecasts more than a quarter ahead is a mug 's game : following Conner Peripherals Inc 's warning on Friday that it is seeing oversupply and soft demand for disk drives ( CI No 2,142 ) , observers are saying that grey market prices for 80486s are now weak ; Finis Conner said on Friday that Conner would have to slash production and payrolls in the months ahead to remain competitive — ‘ The market is in total disarray , ’ he said ; ‘ the pricing that has occurred in the last four to five days has been something I 've never seen believes the booming personal computer industry is showing signs of slowing after being fuelled for over two years by the price war .
6 Lane G represents positions of guanines in the sequence , cut by dimethyl-sulfate-piperidine .
7 And third , Germany must cut its budget deficit to make room for lower interest rates .
8 The allocation of the rate support grant took account of both variations in need and variations in resources among local authorities .
9 The ASP had once had to pay protection money to prevent disruption to the Triple Crown .
11 Other new capabilities for Solaris 2.1 include the Distributed Debugger Environment and embedded SQL support to access databases in C or C++ .
12 Other new capabilities for Solaris 2.1 include the Distributed Debugger Environment and embedded SQL support to access databases in C or C++ .
13 Would not the appointment of a British Rail ombudsman restore confidence to this small part of the state sector ?
14 BR under scrutiny as direct rail link reaches end of line North-East councils plan to set up a steering group to discuss all aspects of British Rail services in the region .
15 At the same time concern was growing at a tripling in the cost of the high speed rail link following objections from people in Kent and Surrey .
16 HP Support Watch monitors clusters of systems and is claimed to provide early warning of potential problems with system memory , disk drives and tape backups .
17 At Hinde House we were aware of the changes inherent in taking all the proposals , concerns and issues in education , attempting a series of separate and discreet changes , and then finding a lack of coherence regarding the whole curriculum , with the added possibility of incomplete and ineffective curriculum change causing frustration amongst teaching staff .
18 In justifying this decision Truman depicted events in the Near East as a struggle between freedom and totalitarianism , and stated that ‘ we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way ’ .
19 The problem is that it has the effect of actually reinforcing alienation , leaving room for that disjunction from the natural world which allows certain scientists to behave with inconceivable cruelty in their laboratories , which allows workers in slaughter houses to treat animals as if they simply had no rights or feelings at all , which allows people to justify all manner of exploitation , as if there were no moral obligations or injunctions upon us whatsoever .
20 It is important that all concerned understand the company 's remuneration policies to prevent friction between different groups of workers .
21 Price support policies have effects on less-favoured areas and these effects may sometimes be more important than structural policy effects through the LFA Directive .
22 It is when ageist attitudes become part of the rules of institutions , govern the conduct of social life , and blend imperceptibly into everyday values and attitudes that they have a drastic effect on the way older people lead their lives .
23 In 1988 , 67 thousand lone parents receiving Income Support had earnings from employment .
24 We will encourage parents on income support to claim maintenance by allowing them to keep part of it before benefit is cut .
25 contribution from those on income support costs £15 for every £6 net revenue raised .
26 What is odd about the fact that admiral Horley ruled Hungary between the two War World Wars ?
27 That the detection of pre-Β chains in isolated cell membranes of colorectal carcinomas with the immunoblot technique reflects contaminations from an intracellular pool of pre-Β polypetides can not , however , be excluded .
28 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
29 enlargement of same showing destruction of much of the surface of the enamel ( ×94 ) ; J. shrew premolars from tawny owl assemblage showing digestion from the base of the teeth along the enamel-dentine junction ( ×10 ) ; K. enlargement of same ( ×40 ) ; L. enlargement of edge of digested enamel showing the stepped transition from surface etched enamel at top left to dentine at bottom middle-right ( ×188 ) .
30 shrew mandible from tawny owl assemblage showing perforation of the ascending ramus but no damage to the bar-like structure that supports it ( ×10 ) ; J. enlargement of the same ( ×38 ) ; K. advanced breakage of a shrew mandible from red kite assemblage leaving just the supporting structures of the ascending ramus ( ×9 ) ; L. partial loss of ascending ramus of a shrew mandible from a little owl assemblage ( ×8 ) ; M. mole mandible from red kite assemblage ( ×8 ) ; N. shrew mandible from small-spotted genet assemblage ( ×8 ) .
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