Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] [indef pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The other tracts which were written by Lothar before he became pope show a pastoral concern , an interest in almsgiving , in sin , in penance , in the sacrament of marriage and in the priestly office ( " De sacro altaris mysterio " ) : perhaps what one might expect of a Paris theologian of this period .
2 As already noted , the library service , the educational administration and the inspectorate all make inputs , but the relative weight they carry is not necessarily what one would expect .
3 I mean only what anyone would mean by saying that clouds mean ( i.e. are a sign of ) rain or , as in Figure 3 , that bees mean honey .
4 And , to make it all seem almost too good to be true the total number of possible W particles seen by both UA1 and UA2 is just what one would expect from the total number of proton-antiproton collisions that the two experiments have observed .
5 And this seems only natural , just what one would expect .
6 Within these one can still discern the ‘ earlier ’ items , whose syntactic combination in accordance with Montague 's formation rules involves only relatively minor peripheral modifications ( just what one would expect on the Sampson-Simon model ) .
7 The books available were just what one would expect ; R. L. Stevenson , Charles Kingsley .
8 And they had fought for their country in 1939 when the Irish Republic remained neutral which was , after all , just what one could expect of rebels who had taken advantage of Britain 's involvement in the First World War to stage the 1916 Easter Rising .
9 Evidence from the Home Office consultant pathologist , Professor Alan Usher , discovered no abnormality except pneumonia due to lung statis ; ‘ exactly what one would expect in poisoning by a respiratory depressant drug . ’
10 " The symptoms which follow this affection of the alimentary canal are exactly what one would expect .
11 Different stars have different spectra , but the relative brightness of the different colours is always exactly what one would expect to find in the light emitted by an object that is glowing red hot .
12 Nor , I realize now , was she exactly what one would call a liar : .
13 There is indeed a skill of craftsmanship in applying technology ; knowing just how far to go in programming the machine and what to do by hand ; selecting from the materials and technologies and applying them in different ways ; deciding exactly what one should attempt to achieve through technology .
14 She has to have the money , though , because goodness knows what her rent will be , and Rose Macaulay says she will not pay a penny more but Rose will do exactly what everyone will have to do and pay what she is told .
15 It was really what one would describe as almost a complete takeover .
16 Well I think really what one must look for now is more detailed research on what actually goes on in mixed ability classrooms .
17 Well I think really what one must look for now is more detailed research on what actually goes on in mixed ability classrooms .
18 This is precisely what one would expect if the above evolutionary account were true .
19 ‘ He 's precisely what anyone would expect of a drop-out Phys Ed basketball-playing retard , ’ Ellen said scornfully , ‘ by which I mean that he 's a jock with the brains of a dung beetle .
20 And most single people and er most young people in particular , fall outside that definition and that means that they really have no access to council housing of any kind and er they also find it very hard to get into the private rented sector , because of er the fact that 's it 's er , the rents are so high , and , and therefore they are at the mercy of erm basically the well , well loosely what one could describe as the bad landlords , the sharks , who will er exploit their situation .
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