Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Erm my only comment really would obviously be in relation to the Greater York situation .
2 Both Astrid and Thomas agree that the collaborative nature of the joint venture can only be of benefit to all the participants .
3 Joan has worked very hard and conscientiously during her term of office but she feels that a fresh look at the job through a new treasurer in 1987 can only be of benefit to the Society .
4 As well as involving our audiences more , it may also help to attract new members which can only be of benefit to the Society let's hope it will be a regular event .
5 I consider that it could only be of assistance to them if they had that foundation with which to commence their overview of the requirements of the case and the discharge of their statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 .
6 This technology will not only be of use to the programme itself , but can also be made available at state and local levels .
7 And even if the signature is original it would only be of value to an autograph hunter not an art collector .
8 However this should only be in proportion to the individual plant 's capacity to produce new wood , and you may have to compromise and resort to some lateral side-shoots like a climber .
9 The Vobster Line is very much in its infancy and although not yet ready for passenger carrying , will nevertheless be of interest to those wishing to see what has been achieved to date and to learn of the plans for the future .
10 It might just be of help to me .
11 It may be that Wilfrid 's personal support could still be of assistance to an aspiring aetheling , but it is interesting that Eadwulf spurned Wilfrid 's overtures .
12 Owen , feeling at last that he ought to retire from contra matters — — but remembering what he had sworn ‘ on the altar of God ’ — hoped that he might still be of use to North ‘ against another group of Godless communists . ’
13 This habitual restraint produces a docility which woman requires all her life long , for she will always be in subjection to a man , or to man 's judgment , and she will never be free to set her own opinion above his .
14 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
15 course in taxonomic botany will make considerable use of our information resources , and staff expertise , but hopefully the research undertaken will also be of benefit to ourselves .
16 The Guide will also be of benefit to others interested in this provision such as careers officers and recruitment officers .
17 The Code may also be of relevance to unitisation proposals which are in competition with an offer to which the Code applies .
18 The calculation and accounting treatment of goodwill will also be of importance to UK based purchasers .
19 I hope this book will also be of value to the professional surveyor — in its breadth if not its depth — but I have written it in terms best suited to the non-professional , enthusiastic house-owner .
20 We are concerned if we perform badly or dangerously at some times and the effects of poor performance will also be of interest to managers and the general public .
21 Within a single volume a range of topics is covered that will also be of interest to a wider readership .
22 The guidance note will also be of interest to mortgage brokers and estate agents .
23 It will also be of interest to members of the South Donegal Railway Restoration Society as one of the items featured is the County Donegal Railways railcar .
24 These rooms may also be of interest to those conferences mounting large exhibitions on the lower level of the Communal Building .
25 G Nat History & tc will also be of interest to me as an evidence that our intercourse has been productive of none but the most amicable feelings , that your [ two words illegible ] [ eyes the blessing of friends ] [ illegible ]
26 Data analysis can also be of interest to management as a way of understanding their organisation .
27 Employees and friends are invited to take along their pots as the Wedgwood Museum staff will also be on hand to date and identify pieces .
28 It can also be like reference to erm the poem coming alive
29 This requirement is linked to the formative view of assessment as outlined above , and will clearly be of benefit to less academic pupils .
30 Yeah , I think just my only summing up comment would really be in response to perhaps Mr m Mr 's erm request for erm perhaps elaboration as to how we would use these criteria .
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