Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 As Director of the newly established Household the Emperor appointed Achille Fould , of the banking dynasty , whose financial expertise would obviously be of use in the organization of what could well be a costly affair .
2 A further question that arises ( and that might be perceived on the face of this problem ) is whether dismissal by the Crown can only be for misbehaviour in office or whether it can be for an offence not related to judicial office or affecting judicial ability .
3 The English landscape is of a richly diverse nature and an understanding of the complex early factors which influenced the creation of its individual regions can only be of value in helping to ensure the preservation of its essential character .
4 This does not mean , however , that a taxpayer would necessarily be without remedy in such a situation .
5 The heterogeneous increase of urokinase type plasminogen activator antigen concentrations in homogenates of endoscopical biopsy specimens from carcinomas of the upper gastrointestinal tract , which was not associated with several other prognostic determinants , as presented in this study , might perhaps be of value in determining prognosis in ( early ) oesophageal and gastric cancer .
6 With such dramatic ( for them ) technological advances , it was inevitable that furnishing fabrics would soon be on sale in the shops alongside the dress weights .
7 It has been installed in the Middle East and will soon be in use in what used to be the Eastern block .
8 Belfast-based makers Biosyn , which launched the kit this week , say it will soon be in use in hospitals .
9 It may thus be of value in controlling outlays for ‘ socially responsible ’ purposes , or , conceivably , on a limited range projects motivated by management self-interest , for example , the acquisition of an over-lavish corporate headquarters .
10 In other words , if the prey skeletons were perfectly preserved there would be no losses from the cranial and postcranial skeleton , and there would be no isolated teeth because they would all still be in place in the jaws .
11 Barring coups , the four Southern Cone presidents will all still be in office in 1994 , and have set themselves a target that is also a spur .
12 This means that some attention to internal fatigue levels may also be of help in dealing with stress .
13 The policy document suggested here could also be of use in this regard , by facilitating local discussion and thus helping to keep the development effort in line with the wishes and aspirations of the people .
14 Objects brought to light in previous excavations and now in the small museum in the middle of the site will also be on show in the exhibition .
15 It will also be on sale in local chemists and department stores .
16 The tuition schools were regular Guitarist Show exhibitors and they will also be in evidence in London .
17 Or he may secretly be under guard in Dracula 's castle .
18 The Investigation Checklist ( KPMG Form 822 ) and the Forecasts and Projections checklist ( KPMG Form 824 ) may often be of use in assembling background information needed for valuations .
19 If you present professional politicians with a proposal , and they do n't know whether their organisation will even be in existence in two years ’ time , they 're not going to go ahead — because they wo n't get the credit .
20 Thus ended the most astonishing match the County Championship has witnessed : even the reticent Wisden agreed the game ‘ must surely be without precedent in first-class cricket . ’
21 The greater understanding of the minds of our common farm animals that we gain from these experiments will undoubtedly be of use in designing housing systems which allow the animals both increased freedom , and increased control over their own lives .
22 For example , whether or not subheadings ( possibly numbered ) should be used will be partly related to length ; they will certainly be of benefit in any text longer than 500 words .
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