Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 The USSR won decisively against all their serious rivals , Yugoslavia , the US and England , in the first five rounds and only slackened at the end when the gold medals were assured .
2 A note duly came at the end of September , hurtful in its brevity , frustrating in its lack of information : — thank you for the money sister which is put to good use your son being in need of shoes and all manner of apparel since he grows apace .
3 When I finally moved at the end of September , it was an enormous step in my life .
4 However , even Iran 's interest in CENTO dwindled in the 1970s and the Pact finally collapsed at the end of the decade when both Iran and Pakistan withdrew .
5 He always sat at the end of the second coach , in the small , first-class compartment with red plush seats .
6 Last year 's new offerings included version 4.0 of the group 's Fist dealing room system , which runs on Digital Equipment Corp 's VAX machines , VMS , and the ‘ Unix variants ’ of Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc , IBM Corp , and NeXT Inc ; Grace , a graphical application environment for Fist , which is now X Window-compliant ; Equinox , a personal computer-based banking package , for 80386 and 80486-based machines , and was launched in the US at the end of October 1992 ; Archive II , a optical disk storage device , also released at the end of last year ; personal computer-based Freeform GRS for regulatory reporting ; Co-Sign , a signature verification package ; and Retail Advantage , a cashier package of banks , for the AS/400 and not yet on general release .
7 Parliament has now recognised that local authorities should be left to judge for themselves what local legislation is desirable , but in a tidying-up process all powers under local Acts in force on 1st April 1974 which were not preserved by subsequent general or local legislation automatically expired at the end of 1984 .
8 But most of all , they have the determination to put their name on the trophy for the first time as a tribute to club president George Blower who tragically died at the end of a league game almost four weeks ago .
9 They visibly sharpened at the end of the decade as medics were forced onto the defensive by a growing feminist campaign demanding the repeal of the acts — itself part of the wider upsurge of the mid-Victorian women 's movement .
10 He again promised a letter from John Wright , but instead it was he who again wrote at the end of October , ‘ You obviously have n't read my letter carefully . ’
11 I do n't know like , some of it 's just real hard , most of it 's just easy anyway it goes in the big diddly diddly diddly bit at the end , just
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