Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Haifa Bay route would have constituted a serious disruption as it passed overland through intensively developed urban and farming areas to the Jordan Valley , destroying property and agricultural land .
2 Scanning the area with our glasses , we found a party of eider duck and were excited to see that the flock not only contained common and king eider , but a number of Steller 's eider , a ‘ new ’ bird for all of us , which breeds along the Siberian coast and into Alaska .
3 The crisis moved world markets , alarmed the West and prompted President Bill Clinton to declare that Mr Yeltsin personally represented democratic and market reform in Russia .
4 In the corporate and financial environment , numerically presented financial and survey data was subjected to increasingly sophisticated statistical and econometric analysis .
5 In traditional critical study , questions about politics were rarely felt important since politics engaged with transitory activities .
6 For many years national and international agencies have been collecting data on some significant social indicators , and it is now possible , with all the provisos about the nature of the data that I have already made , to make some , albeit rough and preliminary ranking of the nations of the world on the most widely accepted social and welfare criteria .
7 But the seal just looked puzzled and kind , then smiled like the sun rising .
8 Antall had already made clear that privatization measures would be a top priority to promote the transition to a free market economy , and that Hungary would seek to honour its debt repayments to maintain the confidence of the international financial community .
9 The dissenters who met in these new places of worship belonged to a Puritan tradition which disapproved of the decoration of churches , and the interiors of meeting-houses were thus kept bare and plain .
10 it depends , just paid electric and gas
11 As a result , much of the work of contemporary assemblies should be viewed in the context of institutions struggling to adapt to massively changed social and world conditions and to impose some check upon the burgeoning executive bureaucracies .
12 From then on , the walk was far less interesting : we passed the Bishops Wordsworth School Sports Field then came a long dull stretch to The Rose and Crown , that always looked decrepit until renovation in the ‘ thirties .
13 Well it was always said that and Street , were the two best shopping Roads in Nottingham .
14 Parents reported whether their children had suffered from attacks of asthma or bronchitis during the past 12 months , whether they usually coughed first thing in the morning or at any other time , whether their chest ever sounded wheezy or whistling , and , if so , whether this symptom was present on most days or nights .
15 They must been seen , their decisions must be seen to reflect the interest and wishes of members currently employed in the section , and as we have always believed industrial and negotiating policy is best made by members at work in the sector who feel the day to day pressures , know what is going on , motion one one one A seeks to ensure that this will happen .
16 Coal 's advantage still held good when account was taken of the cost of fitting flue gas desulphurisation equipment , said Mr. Clarke .
17 Company Programmes have a successful 15 year record of designing and delivering carefully tailored organisational and management development courses .
18 Caribbeans who have come to Britain from abroad have probably always brought with them their own distinctively Caribbean varieties of language ; yet it is only in the last two or three decades that educators and policy makers — and to some extent , the general public — have taken an interest in " Black English " ( also called Creole or Patois ) in Britain .
19 The business lunch is certainly not easy unless carefully planned first and lighting and positioning chosen .
20 The band , made up of sophisticated London rich boys , never really looked happy as teen heart-throbs .
21 The ‘ other professional officers ’ whose comments might be incorporated if appropriate would include not only the officers and advisers of the authority and centrally employed caring and counselling staff but also teaching and ancillary colleagues within the school .
22 Smith marries these preoccupations to highly effective pop psychedelia — like Syd Barrett-vintage Pink Floyd under contemporary radio discipline — to produce spectacular ear candy like the exultant Friday I 'm In Love as well as woe-is-me epics like the appropriately titled Open and End .
23 The government did not choose the firms ; it simply changed legal and tax rules to help mergers .
24 Table 1 lists the 31 fully listed industrial and distribution companies which failed in 1990 and 1991 , one in 25 of all such firms .
25 For the Aplysia group , the first neurochemical task was to identify the transmitter involved in signalling between the two cells , which turned out to be the ubiquitous substance serotonin ( sometimes called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT ) .
26 Smart , neatly pressed uniform and helmet complete with chinstrap and badge , the young man paraded up and down and then , still singing , marched off stage swinging a wooden truncheon .
27 For example , if you are unfairly made redundant because consideration was not given to offering you another job , your compensation might be discounted to take account of the fact that , had proper consideration been given , you might still not have been offered that job .
28 The conception does not have to do , above all , with the statement 's having some otherwise specified content or subject-matter : that is , say , as being about thoughts , wants , or intentions , or conveying something about persons , minds , subjectivity , experience , or an inner world .
29 By 1986 he had reverted to freelancing on several national newspapers and magazines before joining the newly launched Independent as rock critic .
30 In this series , the histological diagnosis was based on biopsy specimens , staging procedures systematically included abdominal and chest computed tomography and bone marrow biopsy , and most patients were not operated on but were successfully treated with monochemotherapy .
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