Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 God 's mighty instrument is the lives that are wholly given to Him for His purpose .
2 In the event of any Related company ceasing to be so related then ( unless the requisite rights are duly assigned to it by such Party by agreement ) each Party undertakes on request to grant to it continuing rights of a similar nature on fair and reasonable terms .
3 I have had one or two in recent years , mostly given to me by kind people , but things did n't work out with them .
4 We can not finalise it until your condition has sufficiently stabilised for us to be reasonably sure that no unforeseen deterioration may occur .
5 Church and state , religion , law , prejudice , custom , tradition , greed , lust , hatred , injustice , selfishness , ignorance , and arrogance have all conspired against her under the sexual rule of the human male .
6 We should refuse to be ‘ good sports ’ and to ‘ play the game ’ when the deck is so stacked against us by a baroque system of government so ludicrous and infantile as to beggar description .
7 He was less prominent in the action than William Craig and he felt sufficiently distanced from it to be able to absent himself for a few days in the first week of the strike when he went to Canada to attend a funeral .
8 I 've only heard of it at the fashion college .
9 Most fish would not be seriously affected by temperatures somewhat outside this range especially if only exposed to them for a short time .
10 There is a general expectation that people will not remember detailed facts correctly if they are only exposed to them in the spoken mode , especially if they are required to remember them over an extended period of time .
11 The Butcher remained a vivid memory because , apart from my ordeal , I was constantly remanded of him by the dangerous wobbling of my pipe at the edge of that needless gap in my mouth .
12 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
13 Though the members of this genus are in many respects typical ascaridoids , their biology is sufficiently varied for it to be necessary to consider each species separately .
14 Time after time , woman admitted to me that their partner 's success not only mattered to them in terms of money , but was a crucial component in their respect and desire for these men .
15 However , as the pope himself had been so committed to it before his election , such an outcome was unthinkable .
16 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
17 and these would have made up for some of the others perhaps won for them by Lloyd George .
18 Had he not , through the magnetic influence he was able to exert even over those of his own race , personally seen to it at the Peace Conference that these Arabs were not sent unrewarded away ?
19 The charters S 951 and 953 are gifts in Cornwall purportedly made by him in 1018 , although neither is of certain authenticity , and this was seemingly also the date of his lost foundation charter for Buckfast Abbey in Devon .
20 It is notable too that this liberal interpretation is proposed by the jurist , and merely adopted from him by the emperor .
21 Laura wore a long , grey satin dress with a big bow which was especially made for her in a more girlish style than she normally allowed herself .
22 His interests and habits had been too strictly and personally framed for him to be anything less than completely reliant on them .
23 Hayling was also in charge of media initiatives , so Lowe naturally turned to him with the newspaper they had so often discussed as comrades in Big Flame .
24 It 's only lent to me for a week
25 In 1326 he advised the king against an attempt to divorce his wife and was especially commended by him to Hugh le Despenser the younger [ q.v . ] .
26 That is not a matter where the parties are sufficiently advanced for it to be addressed to me at this stage .
27 The booming surf far below called to her like the beat of a jungle drum .
28 Her fingertips had only fluttered around him in butterfly ecstasy .
29 Grandson was with Edward I during his visit to France and Aquitaine in 1286–9 , and was constantly employed by him in business at the courts of France and Aragon during those years .
30 Though Lugard later lost the simple faith of his childhood , he never lost the evangelical habit of spiritual self-scrutiny which had been so pronounced in him as a boy that his mother at one time feared that ‘ possibly ( though now in perfect health ) our Father may be about to remove him to the heavenly garner ’ .
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