Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Britain has apparently undertaken to review its own aid to Vietnam once it becomes clear that forced repatriation is working smoothly , and that Hanoi keeps to its side of the bargain , not to punish boat people who are deported from Hong Kong .
2 The former did not invariably experience substantial development as commercial centres — some railway centres were better located than others — but were better placed to market their own products and to develop economically , even though Le Mans developed at the expense of Alençon , for example , and Orlèans , Besançon and Montpellier all lost some of their traditional importance in the wine trade , the last losing out to Béziers and Nîmes which were at junctions in the railway network .
3 With all that history of service and success behind him , Austin remains as sharp and on the ball as ever , having only stopped swimming himself some three years ago .
4 As for you , you 'd better come to see me this afternoon .
5 Dumpy , down-to-earth Nellie faced facts and realised people would spot the difference in age between herself and Robert , so decided to confuse them all by calling him her adopted son .
6 Thank you , so we 've obviously got to behave ourselves this morning , and act in a proper manner .
7 A hot temper had perhaps helped fire her many activities , starting as artistic director of the Oxford Pilgrim Players , which she founded after a year as a dogsbody in a Norwich Theatre .
8 An anemone is of course naturally equipped to recognise its own mucus to avoid stinging itself .
9 In the course of a short time the farmer was sufficiently restored to relate his own story , as already recited , and in gratitude for his miraculous escape ordered a silver collar to be made for his friendly protector , as a perpetual remembrance of the transaction .
10 There are 11 people in the band , all dressed to project their own characters .
11 Solicitors in respect of their first three practising certificates are exempt from all contributions to the Fund ( whether or not they have held clients ' money ) , and in respect of their next three renewals are only required to pay one half of the full amount .
12 ‘ You 've obviously chosen to believe your own publicity — you like the idea of being a ‘ Midnight Raider ’ .
13 The UK nevertheless intended to submit its own proposed amendments in January 1991 ( on the basis of Major 's June proposals for a parallel " hard ecu " — see p. 37521 ) , prompting European Commission President Jacques Delors to warn on Dec. 15 of a political crisis if the UK tried to stall over the issues of a single currency and a central bank .
14 Liam just decided to ignore it all and hope for the best .
15 Ruth had already decided to bring her own children to be photographed today , and then approached all her friends with young families , suggesting they might like to do the same — so it had turned into a children 's party .
16 Fred has meanwhile offered to sell his own car to Brian for £500 , giving Brian seven days to make up his mind .
17 A horrible noise that you 've just got to call your own .
18 The appellant , if he believed that Mr. Occhi , knowing that £7 was far in excess of the legal fare , had nevertheless agreed to pay him that sum , could not be said to have acted dishonestly in taking it .
19 ‘ It 's a wonderful opportunity , Christian , and I 'm grateful for your trust in me but you 've already agreed to sell me that fifty acres of new land .
20 When the Indian maid and the house-boy were finally called to remove it all , we were satiated .
21 The result , it now appears , was that local administrators , with important defensive budgets to collect and administer , took advantage of the experience thus gained to develop their own powers in particular when , over a period of some decades , taxes originally levied for short periods came to be collected for longer and longer periods , until they became all but permanently established as part of the regular income of a town or city .
22 Species roses These and varieties of species , being much nearer to their natural original , are capable and best left to do their own thing .
23 Like a three-year-old who 's just learned to write his own name , Marky Mark repeats his dozens of times .
24 buses were built between 1939 and 1954 , although — following the nationalization of transport in 1948 , London Transport were no longer allowed to build their own buses .
25 Faye patted her growing belly as if already determined to shield her own child from the pain of something like a divorce .
26 He predicted that up to 2,000 schools would vote to join the 200 that had already chosen to run their own affairs — a development that could spell the end of council involvement in education .
27 Authorities are therefore best advised to conduct their own experiments to reach a realistic depreciation figure .
28 The modern films are scientifically more respectable and probably better films , but every word of commentary trembles with piety and no chance is ever missed to remind us that man is the intruder , the destroyer , the only sinful animal in the biosphere .
29 They have also become more prepared to undertake their own developments .
30 No , I have always preferred to do it this way , though I must say the Missa Solemnis is a very difficult work to direct .
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