Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He almost literally returned from the dead , and his personal memoir , Facing Death , was the strongest thing he had written since the '50s .
2 Nor did he see another consequence , as his nephew Mauss confessed , shortly before going mad : ‘ how large modern societies which have more or less emerged from the Middle Ages in other respects , could be hypnotized as aborigines are by their dances and set in motion like a child 's carousel .
3 He literally travelled from the Arctic to the Amazon in the course of one year , as well as attending his patients in downtown Toronto .
4 Some of the original brigadistas , the young literacy teachers , who mostly came from the urban areas , also continued to work in adult education , and others became teachers in the formal school system .
5 She could not have brought herself to do as some did , step in and squash her body against the bodies of those who formed the dense wad of people which already bulged from the open doors .
6 In the Far East substantial territory had been more or less peacefully wrested from the embattled Chinese Empire .
7 The sound of a typewriter rattling away came from the little office and Gerald said : ‘ Gina — catching up on the correspondence .
8 When Russian forces finally retreated from the Danubian Principalities in 1834 , Nicholas seemed to have achieved the final stabilization of his southern frontier .
9 Indeed it does , and it seems the job can not be left to the mere television reviewer either , for criticism soon leaked from the cultural pages to the overtly political ones , even reaching as far as the editorial sections of some newspapers .
10 Elevating deck ferries , introduced in 1890 , finally vanished from the river-crossing scene in 1966 .
11 The dangers of routine and passivity to the often joyful and serene spirit which infused abolitionists grew greater as direct British targets for the cause largely disappeared from the late 1830s onwards .
12 She already knew from the sour expressions of the French wives among the gathering and the open admiration in the eyes of their sallow , perspiring spouses that she had achieved an outstanding success with her greatest extravagance , a simple couture gown of lilac organza .
13 The couturiers and mannequins of the fashion world breathed a perfumed sigh of relief as the thin wisps of white smoke finally emerged from the muscular chimneys of the plush Legover Square headquarters of publishers Condé Nast [ Can we have the article now please — Ed . ]
14 Despite his good intentions , and despite the more rational management principles and institutions introduced by Speranskii , the actual administration of Siberia , the manner of its economic exploitation , the low levels of popular enlightenment , the permanently suppurating sore of the exile system , the treatment of the native population — which still ranged from the paternalistic to the spasmodically genocidal — and the survival of traditional ‘ imperialist ’ attitudes in St Petersburg , meant that in practice the old core-periphery , metropolis-frontier relationships still remained in force , and Siberia continued to be treated and governed in a manner which reflected its original quasi-colonial status .
15 This smaller and shyer animal once ranged from the Spanish Sierra Nevada to the Urals , but has suffered greatly in the last century from hunting and the disturbance of agricultural development .
16 Yet never did we instigate a fracas ; provocation always came from the other fellows , for various reasons ; maybe they did n't like Jews , or as often happened , they simply threw a challenge in order to test our ability to rule the roost .
17 On Dec. 29 Eitan 's right-wing nationalist Tsomet Party formally withdrew from the ruling coalition .
18 The two leaves and the gates had gone long since , for it possibly dated from the sixteenth century — nevertheless there was a distinct something about it and Mr. Hibberd , the antique dealer often asked my mother if she would consider selling .
19 While it was obviously impossible to claim that literary art still sprang from the general community , this could be accounted for by the gulf between literature and life caused by the processes of industrialization .
20 Anchovies — an important source of protein for animal feed — also mysteriously disappeared from the Peruvian coast around this time .
21 When the Labour Party returned to the electoral politics in 1945 , Common Wealth rapidly disappeared from the political scene .
22 He lived chancily , moved into many crises , both business and legal , but always emerged from the other side safely — and usually richer , more powerful .
23 Although not totally immured from the political activities of the 1930s , Williams nonetheless appears to have been completely absorbed in his academic studies at Oxford .
24 It would be unfair to say that I have formed a low view of the Foreign Office ; rather I have formed the view that Foreign Office activities have in some way become totally disconnected from the human race .
25 Gastric pits become progressively deeper and more convoluted from the proximal cardia to the distal pyloric region .
26 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
27 And then He was crucified and three days later rose from the dead , and at Mass the bread and wine actually turn into flesh and blood , so you should n't have breakfast that morning but take it on an empty stomach .
28 The other possible way of answering your question is to think in terms of having a large project in which you would write a whole series of poems that would add up into a book , which as it happens I have just done , since I have just published a book of poems which are all retellings of bible stories , and there the subjects quite clearly came from the outside , though I mean unless they latch onto something inside you they wo n't make poems .
29 Evidence that consumers are shaking off their spending caution after the election also came from the biggest credit information group , Infolink , which reported a rise in credit inquiries .
30 Most of the farm weights and unofficial weights are of the crude variety ( compared to the loom weights ) but when you add their existence to the three bronze coin weights that also came from the same field something of a picture starts to build up .
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