Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pn reflx] as the " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd & Co. had received their instructions from a member of Mr. Mahdi 's group who apparently described himself as the ‘ foreign minister ’ of the Somali Republic .
2 That gave him the chance to exercise one of his talents , as a teacher , but he was also a bit of a musician , and soon established himself as the organist at the parish church in Holloway .
3 He once described himself as the ‘ grandfather ’ of that generation of Tories that includes Michael Forsyth and Michael Fallon , a phrase that embarrasses him now .
4 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
5 Mayne quickly established himself as the most exceptional officer in Stirling 's rapidly expanding SAS force , which became the 1st Special Air Service Regiment in September 1942 , with Stirling in command as lieutenant-colonel .
6 The straightforward , one-shilling manual , with its handsome woodcut of a cornucopia-like trug on the cover , rapidly established itself as the Dig for Victory bible .
7 He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy , but it was a lie , she says .
8 As Gregory Elliott has recently emphasized , although Althusser always presented himself as the figure of the rigours of orthodoxy against the eclecticism of the existentialists , in his own work he was just as catholic , allying Marxism with non-Marxist philosophy , even if it was a history of science to which , he claimed , ‘ French philosophy owes its renaissance in the last thirty years ’ .
9 However , Hope , by that time , clearly regarded himself as the embodiment of blacks ' ambitions .
10 England … … … 0 Australia … … .. 0 STEVE TAYLOR probably established himself as the rightful successor to his more famous namesake , Ian , when he gave an outstanding performance of goalkeeping in England 's final game in the Lada Classic at Luton yesterday - a goalless draw with the world champions .
11 Nothing is as it seems , he maintains : he never really saw himself as the prototype Cockney photographer from Blow Up ; he sees himself more as Puck from A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
12 Said ‘ tell me more ’ , then revealed himself as the reviewer of the DOE proposal and only later suggested that we collaborate …
13 Re then described himself as the creator and related his names of Khepri at sunrise , Re at noon and Atum at sunset .
14 CMEAD widened its membership and subsequently reconstituted itself as the National Forum for Management Education and Development ( NFMEAD ) .
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