Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pn reflx] in the " in BNC.

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1 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
2 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
3 And what course of action would the Mozambican journalists who criticize their government 's policies ( Political puzzles ) take if they suddenly found themselves in the hot-seat of a country in chaos ?
4 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
5 Schmidt suddenly found himself in the space between them , his hand outstretched for the lock .
6 Having ridden the contradictions , the paper suddenly found itself in the middle of them .
7 We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozen nude men .
8 ‘ And I just found myself in the right place at the right time ! ’
9 But NoS was more like a racing power-boat , and Horsley soon found himself in the position of a water-skier rather than a captain .
10 He was attracted by an advertisement for a ‘ lab boy ’ at the then University College and soon found himself in the office of the Registrar , Mr Hedley Pickbourne .
11 Though the CPRS had drawn up an agenda in four parts , starting with our relationship with the external world , we soon found ourselves in the middle of a second reading debate over the whole field .
12 Gaston VII of Béarn thus cast himself in the role of his daughter 's protector against the territorial ambitions of Edward 's seneschal , which were soon to lead to Grilly 's dismissal from his post .
13 She scarcely recognised herself in the woman who confronted her .
14 Denis Healey soon saw himself in the role of bridge-builder between the West German government ( which particularly feared any decline in the credibility of nuclear deterrence ) and McNamara who hoped to avoid the first — or at least the early — use of nuclear weapons .
15 The murder had only occurred ten minutes before , but the old man already saw himself in the role of vital witness , and was polishing the phrases in a story which he would tell many times .
16 Mr Lo thus put himself in the forefront of consensus politics in Hong Kong , thereby leaving his unrelated namesake , Lo Tak-shing , to seize the high ground further to the right .
17 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
18 I say , just put yourself in the position of one of those chimps living in concentration-camp conditions . ’
19 In his Cours de composition musicale , for example , the Reformation is made a culprit for the extremes of Individualism : ‘ Subdued by the Christian faith , Pride that formidable enemy of man rarely showed itself in the soul of the artist in the Middle Ages .
20 I totally lost myself in the remoteness .
21 If ministers spend this week in Blackpool trying to paint the Labour Party red again — as Kenneth Baker seems to intend — they will have missed the point and further demeaned themselves in the eyes of the public .
22 When asked to put their minds and bodies at rest , no one ever visualized themselves in the middle of Piccadilly waiting supermarket , or crushed in an underground train .
23 He also interested himself in the administration of this seat of learning , the colours of the students ' gowns — scarlet ; and the professors ' — black .
24 He also established himself in the Russian trade , which during the French wars offered exceptional opportunities for profit .
25 Last season 's top newcomer , Atle Skaardal , also kept himself in the news with a victory in the second race at Val Gardena .
26 Did you see that ? he nearly shot himself in the butt that time did n't he ?
27 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
28 Simultaneously he increasingly involved himself in the literary life of London , a change in the balance of his career which began when he made the acquaintance of the poet , Alfred ( later first Baron ) Tennyson [ q.v. ] , who in 1867 commissioned Knowles to design his house in Aldworth , Sussex .
29 ‘ It means , ’ replied the elder hedgehog , ‘ that you simply put yourself in the dog 's place , and think how you would like someone to behave towards you . ’
30 She rolled over on her side , and immediately immersed herself in the book , ignoring all the disgruntled settling-in noises Sandra was making .
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