Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Susan clasped her hands because she was trembling , but the tension in her locked fingers only made her shake the more .
2 Being spurned by Malcolm McLaren only made him want the group more .
3 The point is , you see , that I did not ask you to go and look at the time on that clock ; I merely asked you to study the numerals on it .
4 the strangeness of that thought suddenly made him miss the château .
5 She went back to the gallery , furious , shut the door , pulled down the blind , and those other guests still inside helped her to remove the paintings from the walls .
6 Then he suddenly told me to fetch the chopper from the cellar .
7 As a result of the meeting Devi Lal apparently believed he had the Prime Minister 's approval to reinstate his son , although Singh subsequently denied that he had given his approval to such a move .
8 The predominantly transparent colours of the gouache gave my washes a strong tint , and so allowed me to apply the broad washed demanded by a large watercolour .
9 After a time I found myself frequently addressing him as ‘ Father ’ , so naturally did he touch the gentle docile side of me .
10 The imperial and defence campaigns perhaps did something to prepare the nation for war and they certainly prepared the parry to take the lead when war did come in 1914 .
11 Only once we were inside did we appreciate the immense scale of Wolio .
12 So greatly did they enjoy the celebrations that they stayed for three days .
13 Davidson emphasises above his own role in Provincial 's response a team effort , not only in the sense that he had to delegate a great deal in such a multi-faceted role — although ‘ logically planning goes together with finance and not only did we have the capacity to take on overseas but control of subsidiaries fits too ’ — to his deputies , and , but that the whole company was involved .
14 In the Greek Church , the mystical writings of the fifth century author who wrote under the pseudonym of Dionysius the Areopagite achieved near-canonical status : not only did they inform the devotional and liturgical life of the people , but they also influenced the development of Orthodox theology which became hostile to any rationalistic or naturalistic ways of interpreting the reality of God and religious truth .
15 Not only did they make the move , but they also managed to negotiate some funding and an arrangement whereby their staff could continue to be trained on E&Y courses .
16 Not only did they wreck the London skyline in general .
17 Not only did they guard the bridge crossing the Tyne , but they also stood at the junction of the Stanegate , running west towards Carlisle , and Dere Street , one of the two main arterial routes from York into central southern Scotland .
18 Not only did they hit the target of 28 for January and February combined , they went on to chalk up a total of 64 !
19 Not only did they run the longest steam-hauled train ever seen on the 20-mile line since BR days , but also set a new British mileage record for the longest continuous run of Beamish Museum 's replica ‘ Locomotion ’ .
20 He was exact in his choice ; not only did they have the same slender shape and were equal in height , but they were malleable too .
21 Rosie Milburn was a joker ; besides which , not only did she keep the house spotless but also she was a good cook .
22 Ianthe was glad when the woman and her child got out at the next station , for not only did she find the conversation embarrassing but she also wanted to think about the moments before her unexpected meeting with Agnes Dalby — moments which she had so far had no chance of reliving or considering .
23 And then I thought I would write and suggest that she should suggest herself to tea one day and not only did she have the effrontery to do so but she brought her husband .
24 We , too , should be grateful to Elizabeth ; not only did she have the foresight to bequeath a will for posterity to read , she also had the good taste — so rare in the family , alas — to be buried beneath a headstone which would retain its legibility over the years .
25 Not only did it meet the airline 's losses without the latter suffering any real penalty , but it enabled it to pursue its plans to take a 6 billion franc ( 37.5 per cent ) shareholding in the Belgian state-owned carrier Sabena , which was in an equally parlous financial state .
26 Not only did it designate the nature and appearance of crime , but it also reappeared as causally implicated : in both classical criminology and the new deviance perspective , the amount of crime was primarily a function of the operations of the criminal justice system .
27 Not only did it have the broad ideological stamp of approval from Marx and Engels themselves , but the preparation for it within Romania had started already in the late 1960s .
28 Not only did it furnish the missing equation of the Keynesian system , it had also assumed a role of paramount significance in the formulation of macroeconomic policy .
29 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
30 The two men knew each other much better now but , on the face of it , despite their joint passion for Sherlock Holmes and Eliot 's reliance upon Hayward 's editorial skills ( not only did he inspect the poetry , but he also removed social malapropisms from the drama ) , they were an oddly matched pair .
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