Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The story of St Wulstan 's Hospital forms a fascinating footnote to the narrative of events at Powick , which illustrates that Worcester Health Authority was as much locally impelled to rationalize mental health services , as pushed to do so by the centre .
2 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
3 The churches reflect the piety and religious sentiment of the citizens in an age which naturally sought to express civic feeling in religious form .
4 But she had already lost her balance as she impossibly tried to juggle Equal Opportunities , shortage of staff and time , and the torrent of ‘ open access ’ job applications .
5 Huckerby , a worried-looking , balding man , had a responsible position which basically involved overseeing editorial expenditure and running the paper day to day , but was best known for fussing round the office collecting old coffee cups and switching off the lights last thing at night .
6 Short , fashionably cut brown hair only seemed to give added emphasis to her thin features , deepening the shadows beneath her eyes .
7 Maggie kept catching her eye with an expression of knowing amusement , but at the same time she obviously hated having these men stomping through her every possession and destroying any remaining magic in her secret chamber .
8 Also , Lister 's discovery of the importance of antisepsis made surgery , which up till that time had been a hazardous technique , a safe procedure , and with the development of anaesthesia , surgery suddenly began to enjoy great popularity as a panacea for many ills .
9 The company needed workers , and so began building small terraces of houses for its labourers to live in .
10 Gandhi only began to undertake serious fasts — that is , fasts where there was a danger to his life , as opposed to brief fasts for purposes of spiritual discipline or penance — after he had established a reputation for sanctity and a large following based to some extent on that reputation .
11 West Venture was acquired in March 1988 but only began to make significant sales this year .
12 From palaeomagnetic evidence , it is alleged that the African and European continents moved vast distances during the Devonian and only began to approach each other during Carboniferous times .
13 Henri was a totally normal baby until six months , when he suddenly started having infantile spasms .
14 I was in a chain , and I only managed to complete last week .
15 However , the Colorados ' Batllismo Radical faction , which hitherto had had one representative in the Cabinet pulled out of the coalition .
16 The principal author of the market reform programme , Abalkin was booed and slow hand-clapped during an impassioned speech in which he declared that the party hitherto had failed socialist ideals in every respect , and would be swept aside if it stood in the way of a market economy .
17 His lips traced the curves his finger had explored , and then he delved sensuously deeper , his tongue finding hers and abruptly intensifying the embrace , as if the intimacy of their tongues together had driven any intentions of reserve and restraint from his mind …
18 Staff literally had to demobilise one installation and mobilise another in one working day ’ .
19 The monarch remained the chief executive in the state : he alone continued to determine all matters of policy ( foreign and domestic ) ; he had the right to choose his own ministers ; he retained the right to veto legislation ; and he was left with the power to determine the summoning , proroguing and dissolution of Parliament .
20 The price of cobalt soared and the industry suddenly had to pour much time and money into redesigning the magnets in loudspeakers , using less expensive ceramic materials instead of cobalt .
21 But Mr Stratton saw Mr Aldrich ; and so in an odd sort of way , even if we had no proof of Stratton being in Didcot , the pair of them quite unwittingly perhaps had given each other an utterly unshakeable alibi .
22 They perhaps had to give two books up .
23 Is the control over pupil activity sufficiently relaxed to allow significant pupil response ?
24 But his feet — as though contemptuous of all such academic preoccupations — had taken him by chance to a long , shabby street of bow-fronted houses which obviously had known better days .
25 I was glad that I was n't one of those Portuguese or Italians who only had to go three hours without shaving for there to be a blue carpet on their chin .
26 He only had to wait 6–8 weeks .
27 For this he only had to spend four months in France , thus profiting from considerable tax concessions for non residents .
28 Luckily , I was put on their reduced fee scheme and only had to pay six pounds a session .
29 We had ‘ dropped the ball ’ and in doing so had lost valuable time in the search for a reliable synthetic antimalarial' .
30 The reason was that they could not resolve ambiguity between competing lexical interpretations on a word-by-word basis , and so had to maintain possible interpretations in a representation that was separate from the lexicon .
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