Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sanders had been a Whip and a specialist in franchise matters before the war , so his return to Westminster gave an added impetus to the party campaign against the Bill ; he became a sort of unofficial party Whip against a government that the party supported , cooperated closely with George Younger , by this time Party Chairman , and eventually became deputy chairman of the party himself in 1918 .
2 A younger female novelist , Charlotte Yonge , unkindly described Mrs Sherwood as ‘ first in the field of pious slaughter . ’
3 The Ballylumford workers eventually invited Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers ' Council , Dr. Ian Paisley of the Democratic Unionist Party and Ernest Baird of the United Ulster Unionist Party to meet them .
4 But fortunately , you know , we , we only got tail end of it , a bit of sleet .
5 Quietly sipping champagne in a corner of the large marquee , Laura was just chiding herself for having over-reacted in such a feeble , juvenile way towards a man who could n't possibly be interested in her , when she looked up — and suddenly found Ross standing in front of her !
6 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
7 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
8 p 787 ) we wrongly identified Don McPherson from the Department of Energy in the US as being from the British department of the same name .
9 Terry Long joined Crystal Palace on 12 May 1955 from Wycombe Wanderers — and did not leave until the autumn of 1973 , some 18 years later .
10 The article also said that as this test only measured Phosphate levels from 1mg/1 upwards , it makes testing for Phosphate very difficult as problems can occur at lower levels .
11 In 1739 Woodrop and Colquhoun precipitated a minor crisis by refusing to tolerate Weir 's absenteeism any longer , and the former in fact greatly alarmed James Graham by threatening to resign .
12 Ironically it was Susan 's supposed age of around fifteen that so landed Doctor Who in more hot water when the two part ‘ Edge of Destruction ’ story went out .
13 S1 and S2 splice sites : asterisks , cAMP- and calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation sites : arrows , cAMP-dependent phosphorylation sites ; arrowhead , highly conserved TXCFICG motif in the free C-terminal domain .
14 Molloy and Carroll address this issue on the basis of their transbinary data and conclude that NSE students in the universities not only out-performed SE students in these institutions , but also out-performed NSE students in the polytechnics and colleges .
15 Certainly the change in legislation is unlikely to provoke a sudden rush of hitherto tied farm workers from the industry .
16 Encouragement of " unofficial movements " only strengthened TUC hostility to the Communists and this was , of course , reflected at Labour Party conferences and on the Labour National Executive , both of which were dominated by full-time union officials .
17 There were significant differences , for the factory system not only took child labour outside of the home , it placed it in an inferior overall environment .
18 He suddenly saw Annabel passing in the street outside .
19 So spoke Arnold Wesker at the Riverside Studios where , next week , he will take the unusual step of mounting eight rehearsed readings of his play , Shylock , formerly titled The Merchant , in a bid to raise enough interest from commercial backers to persuade them to mount a full production .
20 As far as the family members were concerned normally those with off-farm jobs only did farm work on a seasonal basis .
21 One of them was certainly Kenneth Baker , glossy , sleek and cheerful ; behind him plodded his detective , a literate and unhappy member of the Special Branch who much preferred Brighton rock to Brighton beach , especially at such a late hour .
22 He did run towards the crowd , but so did Tommy Wright after scoring Leicester 's winner .
23 Joan Fort , a dedicated tea lady and kit washer , also got an award and so did Davey Harrison for his two hat tricks .
24 Those in Islay range from a very simple wall , which at one time perhaps had wood stakes on it , built to enclose a headland and had a narrow entrance at the steepest part , to a substantial hill fort like Borraichill Mhor which encloses a considerable area .
25 Those in Islay range from a very simple wall , which at one time perhaps had wood stakes on it , built to enclose a headland and had a narrow entrance at the steepest part , to a substantial hill fort like Borraichill Mhor which encloses a considerable area .
26 The mandarins behind them , who all carried mirror wands like the emperor 's , followed their lead and stretched themselves full length on the flagstones of the courtyard .
27 Not only had £250,000 worth of equipment fallen off the back of a submarine , but the torpedo firing system and the periscope were out of commission as well !
28 We only had enamel plates at home and never had food like this .
29 So wrote Peter Heylen in his Cosmographie of 1677 .
30 So wrote Victor Hugo in 1867 in a guide book to Paris , thereby paying tribute to his enemy Napoleon III , for it was he who was in the process of transforming the city .
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