Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] then [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was his idea that they should-read his books together and then discuss van der Post 's mystical ideas at mealtimes .
2 The user should enter each charge code separately and then press TAB .
3 In filming you have a lot of this to do where you read a script through once and then have go .
4 Whereas the agencies tend to be agencies employing people directly and then marking sense .
5 In the water , it breathes with its gills like any normal fish , but like the bichir it uses its lungs too , rising every now and then to gulp air from the surface , a talent which is particularly valuable when the water in the pools becomes tepid and foul and loses most of its oxygen .
6 This almost parental instinct to protect now and then leads Ackroyd into dangerous waters .
7 After all , if we want a representative sample of university students we may already know how they are distributed between departments or faculties and random methods , being based on chance , might now and then produce samples heavily biased towards one faculty .
8 He was prepared to sit there listening , just putting in a remark now and then to keep things moving .
9 I must send a letter to her parents first thing tomorrow and then make arrangements for the funeral .
10 One is a no-through motor road , the other an ancient cart track ; they diverge immediately and then proceed north roughly parallel and half a mile apart .
11 It spread to the Chinese around 2 , years ago and then reached Japan where they cultivated it into the art form it is today .
12 Mahmoud went across and then beckoned Owen over .
13 Even the earls present hailed this as an excellent plan , and Fraser was there and then appointed Deputy Warden of the Marches .
14 While Mustakimzade is probably right that Fahreddin Acemi taught at Murad II 's Darulhadis , as will be shown , his construction of events-that Fahreddin Acemi taught there and then became Mufti on the death of Molla Fenari-is most unlikely since the Darulhadis of Murad II seems not to have been completed until 23 Sha'ban 838/24 March 1435 .
15 But when she thought about the future , about staying at home , then marrying Georg and just moving over the ridge , and starting there and then to have babies and spend every day in the dairy the way her mother did , a terrible sense of panic overtook her .
16 This was quickly resolved by the two sets of genes agreeing to merge and run the cell jointly and then draw straws for the chance to enter each egg or sperm .
17 In some cases this takes place when two cells join up and exchange genes before breaking apart and then undergoing cell division some time later .
18 So we carried out a test very satisfactorily and then made overtures to land .
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