Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] they just [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Or if you right and they just want you to smack his face , then he is not in another gang — he is one of they .
2 Felipe knew them ages ago and they just keep coming .
3 The Rugby Union is oblivious to us ; they mean well but they just do n't realise what 's going on up here . ’
4 Yeah you , you 're there and they just ignore you
5 hook er I do n't know what part they hook up there but they just hook it straight on this thing .
6 You have up here you 've got neither win lose but it 's like it 's a respectable thing you know you respect each other you do n't trust them completely and you do n't co-operate completely but they just respect just not you 're just not willing to go that further little bit and it becomes more of a more of a rather than a win lose or a win win it 's more of a people half and half okay I 'll give this much if you give that much .
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