Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 skipping perhaps or swinging a frayed rope
2 The rear leg acts like a springboard , tensing the back foot outwards and facilitating a fast forward movement .
3 The 6,020 square-metre terrace is capped by three unequal cones , admitting light to the areas below and symbolising the classic triad of the visual arts : architecture , painting and sculpture .
4 For example , a Knight of the White Wolf is a cavalryman wearing heavy armour only and riding a barded horse .
5 One further adopted measure thus was to offset the carriageway or create a chicane by using planting on one side only and switching the right-angle parking from one side to the other ( Figure 6.50 ) .
6 This great structure , which forms the frontier between Europe and Asia , shows two continents coming together and forming a new super-continent .
7 The key factor in all these possibilities is the capability of drawing together and distributing a wide range of interactive facilities within a single information environment .
8 He 'd spent a long time twisting bits of wire together and finding a safe way to steal electricity from the fusebox .
9 As she walked down the wide stone steps to the ground floor her confusion was diverted by the sight of two men in their twenties , chatting together and keeping a watchful early evening eye over two three-year-olds playing hide and seek round the curve of the banisters .
10 This , however , only reflects the complexity of the area and the difficulties of bringing together and understanding the diverse responses of individuals .
11 A CAB interview with scant attention to emotional problems is generally lengthy because forms are complex ; because benefit calculations take a long time ; because contacting the Department of Social Security on the telephone takes even longer and calculating an equitable distribution of debt repayments longer still .
12 Without government aid , argue the pro-regionalists , depressed areas disintegrate socially , with the young and the skilled moving away and leaving the old and the unskilled behind ; families and communities thus suffer socially .
13 A top league of ten clubs is also intended to appease those who were intent on breaking away and forming a Scottish Super League , since there will be a built-in level of autonomy for them within the Scottish league framework .
14 The acceptance of extract ( 5 ) as a reasonable piece of English conversational discourse involves implicitly assessing each expression in terms of the ‘ why ? ’ question above and finding a suitable answer .
15 John Simon found Dustin ‘ always endearing with that sour-grapefruit face and voice of his , both of which , paradoxically , ooze the juice of human kindness ’ , while David Thomson thought that Dustin ‘ was near his best , managing old age easily and riding the picaresque adventures of a put-upon outcast all the better because of his own denial of starriness .
16 However , car buyers should be aware that all kinds of discounts are available on new cars and that an interest-free loan for 75 per cent for two years might still work out more expensive than borrowing elsewhere and getting a large cash discount on the purchase price .
17 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
18 Lots are drawn to see which lucky members will have a horse or pony to compete on , and the excited youngsters have to be forcibly restrained from arriving at the stables before 5am and disturbing the local residents with their assiduous preparations .
19 If you 're running around locally and having a cheap motor now .
20 [ He ] argued that the fully rational individual should be indifferent as between paying an extraordinary tax of $2000 once-and-for-all and paying an annual tax of $100 in perpetuity , assuming an interest rate of 5 per cent … .
21 Dr Pertwee said it could be that the genetic substance is helping the human memory to function properly and having a controlling or modulatory role on the brain .
22 The emphasis of the book from now on is of a pragmatic nature , but I hope it is a sanctified pragmatism applied to operating within and shaping the contemporary manifestations of the Church of Christ .
23 Soon after , in 1067 , he lead the armies of Castile against the Moorish city of Saragossa , subduing it effectively and extracting a firm promise of fealty and prompt payment of tribute .
24 I sang the first sixteen bars in a soft velvet voice , standing perfectly still and letting the sad lyrics speak for themselves .
25 In effect she was working harder than ever and enjoying a supreme burst of creative energy since she could now release her talents into producing fabrics and accessories for every aspect of the home , while leaving Deborah in charge of garments .
26 Walking or cycling to work or to the station instead of using the car , and exercising the dog regularly ( breathing deeply and keeping a good posture as we walk ) , are ways of incorporating exercise into the normal schedule .
27 The NFU plan aims to offer the farmer a choice between setting land aside and receiving the full , subsidised rate for produce , or producing at maximum capacity without support .
28 ‘ B12 , ’ said Ymor , tossing the little phial aside and unrolling the tiny scroll within .
29 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
30 A danger lies in arriving home and baffling the local medical profession with an intractable high fever .
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