Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is to be distinguished from bribing , where the treat is offered up-front or mixed with the meal as a lure to entice the dog to eat .
2 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
3 Nothing is worse than feeling screwed up inside or suffering from a sense of utter emptiness and loss of interest or emotion .
4 Now , if she were seated in her old place , wedged between the window and Penini , with his mother opposite encircled in her husband 's arms , or , if the men rode alongside or travelled on the outside of the carriage , sitting with her mistress while Pen and Flush lay on the other seat — now she would feel stifled , trapped , longing to get out .
5 In control conditions children worked alone , either seeing one view only or walking round the table with the experimenter to see both .
6 When comparing fractions some pupils may compare numerators only or select as the largest fraction the one which has the largest numerator and largest denominator .
7 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
8 In a broader sense it includes all relatives living together or accepted as a family , including adopted persons .
9 Relevant statutory provisions may be grouped together or scattered through the judgment .
10 In this new , commercial market a major sales point is the energy saving that is possible with central control of heating and lighting , either manually or according to a timed program .
11 For the pulsing of the walls was slow and vegetal and the pillars soared and rose in a tracery of veins and she was in a hollow in some living thing with no way out above or below nor escape to the sides .
12 He found them quickly enough and returned to the pub .
13 The procession , which takes place on the Saturday before the first Monday in August , leaves the town hall at 2pm and arrives at the cathedral some two hours later .
14 He greeted her very warmly and blushed in the sweetest way when she gave him a sisterly kiss .
15 Harry folded his arms , smiled as if he knew better and strolled about the room .
16 Others claim that projects will be handled better and result in a net saving .
17 However , since I was very keen , I decided to go even better and invest in a macro lens .
18 More copper in the wire means it holds the core better and makes for a more ductile string , but while it 's a great sounding string , it 's the one with the shortest life .
19 I jumped up suddenly and ran into the crowds of people in the dark .
20 ‘ Pech gehabt , ’ he said suddenly and broke into a grin .
21 Just then , a customer got up suddenly and hurried to the door .
22 For centuries civilised man thought poetry was the pinnacle he must reach for — ’ He caught himself suddenly and smiled for the first time Blanche had known him to , the embarrassed smile of a passionate devotee who suddenly discovers that everyone around him , whom he thought entranced by his obsession , was in fact sniggering behind his back .
23 Joseph tugged at his brother 's sleeve suddenly and nodded across the room .
24 We were grabbed suddenly and hustled into the dancing light .
25 Slice the kidneys thickly and add to the pan with the lemon juice .
26 The snow was falling thickly and poured past the window in blizzard proportions as the plane hurled itself into the Arctic night .
27 As Reid led the patient with the bloody head indoors , the white man turned to me , almost stopped me from going inside and said in an educated voice , ‘ Good morning , Doctor , and welcome to Koraloona .
28 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
29 They took turns to walk around inside and sit on the bunks and then George left to go home for tea .
30 On the night the car was set alight , said Mr Pascoe , with Mr Stockle and Mrs Leyshon tied up inside and pushed off the cliff , she was terrified .
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