Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Forest Mere , which is owned and run most luxuriously by the Savoy Group , really is the most wonderful place in the world to revive one after a tiring period , and remove any aches and pains .
2 Another , named rather despairingly by the scientist who first examined it Hallucigenia , had seven pairs of limbs beneath and seven tentacles waving above , each of which ended , apparently , with a mouth .
3 In recent years , however , the impassioned and intelligent dinner conversations held over hearty cassoulets , with rapidly emptying bottles of Beauj' or Burgundy , have become the subject of satire ( primarily and most successfully by The Guardian 's cartoonist Posy Simmonds ) .
4 This indifference was naturally felt most acutely by the countries like Kenya in the second group of borrowers and by countries like Brazil in the fourth .
5 Attitudes to social problems and public policy and electoral strategies are closely intertwined , most effectively by the Thatcherites in their overall strategy of social engineering .
6 The Sunday Telegraph ( February 1961 ) cashed in on the rapidly expanding quality Sunday market , built up most effectively by the Sunday Times ( whose colour magazine started in the same year ) .
7 It 's interesting that sexuality has been problematised in the seventies and eighties and nineties most effectively by the scholarship emerging from the Women 's Movement erm who 've said that y'know perhaps things are n't quite as equitable as these people have supposed , er perhaps sexuality can be abusive , look at all these instances of rape , of child sex abuse etcetera , sexual harassment and all these kinds of things .
8 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
9 The party was established by the 1900 delegate conference dominated numerically by trade unionists , but the initiative and motive force behind the resolution was a socialist one accepted only hesitatingly by the tradition of radical Liberalism belatedly recognising the need for state action to preserve and promote trade union advances .
10 Specific changes were determined primarily by the head and senior management team and only latterly by the rest of the staff .
11 ‘ It might be all right by the jetty , ’ she argued , running down the path .
12 ‘ I 'll be all right by the time we come to Luxembourg next week , ’ she said confidently to Franz and Willi at supper that night .
13 The curia was worried by talk of modernization — especially perhaps by the thought that 2,500 bishops in Rome might make them change their procedures in unwelcome ways .
14 T'owd dear was n't up to doing much better by the chocolates , having problems wi' sugar in her water , so I did well out o' that .
15 It is stopped from passing completely into solution , partly by the large size of the cellulose molecules and , more , by the fact that , in natural cellulose , the whole system is tied together mechanically by the presence of the crystals , which are water-proof and form a good proportion of the whole mass .
16 Matched only perhaps by the uninterestingness of the minds and souls of such painters .
17 But if the victuallers were to have their stores ready only by the end of August , and the king was intending , as it seemed , to continue his journey eastwards across the centre of England , equidistant from the possible battle-grounds of the Welsh and Scottish borders and the threatened south coast , and ready to move in whichever direction should first require his presence , then there was no longer anything to be gained by loitering here , and he had better be making his way over to Owen with what information he had , and whatever intelligent inferences could be drawn from that information .
18 On the whole , the evidence and advice suggests that a combative approach is best , making clear that the plaintiff is prepared to litigate , and doing so swiftly by the issue of proceedings .
19 as if she were not sufficiently torn inside already by the dread news thrown at her by old Lady Usk .
20 If they have stopped working , they are likely to be seen as dependents — to be looked after more or less generously by the provision of pensions and health services , but with little relevance to educational policy ; simply , they are seen as a cost .
21 The south of the region , South Durham , Cleveland and North Yorkshire , has often felt neglected by the Tyneside emphasis on news coverage , perhaps more by the BBC than by Tyne Tees , and the promise of a £1m investment into a local news service from Middlesbrough is long overdue .
22 Nowadays however she is as forgotten as James Gore- Dillon , the Anglo-Irish playwright contemporary of W.B. Yeats , whose lone play , ‘ In The Shadow Of The Gunman 's Glen ’ , was rehearsed only once by the West Of Ireland Players in a shed in Swinford in 1910 .
23 Government has gauged its success much more by the number of new investments , than by the efficiency with which existing investments are maintained and serviced .
24 First , all the groups to whom the hon. Gentleman has referred were hit much harder by the policies of high taxation and raging inflation over which the Labour Government presided .
25 When grouped together with others , the climbing sports are correctly prefixed by the word ‘ climbing ’ to distinguish the subject from the bush type , for example ‘ Shot Silk ’ and ‘ Climbing Shot Silk ’ , or sometimes less noticeably by the word abbreviated to ‘ Clg ’ after the name , for example ‘ Shot Silk Clg ’ .
26 saying you know , we need a sum of money and Mary will help me with the marketing of that and hopefully after that we would , go on enough to keep us going , so hopefully by the time Christmas comes
27 From 1836 he visited Italy on more than one occasion , but these travels appear to have been prompted more by recreational than professional pursuits — he made a collection of Roman coins , medals , and other antiquities — and perhaps also by the state of his health .
28 It has often been suggested that the active self-government practised by the Athenians was only made possible by the existence of slavery , and perhaps also by the existence of empire as a source of revenue to pay for democracy .
29 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
30 Similarly the efficiency of a hospital should not be judged just by the number of operations completed , but perhaps also by the effectiveness of the operations .
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