Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
2 The angels said it would be all right and for the first time , she thought , What if it is n't ?
3 It was not like Karr to use his privilege so crudely and for a moment he had been concerned by his friend 's behaviour .
4 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
5 His lace assumes a natural look he 's able to sit up and breathe more normally and for a time seems well My dear Dr Dunstaple , perhaps you could explain to us why , if the symptoms are caused , as you seem to believe , by damage to the lungs or by a poison circulating in the blood and depressing the action of the heart … why it 's possible that these symptoms should thus be suspended by an injection of warm water holding a little salt in solution ? "
6 The models were also approached more closely and for a longer duration when presented with large crests ( female responses : for closest approach , log-likelihood ratio G =63.8 , d.f .
7 — The people commit themselves to a life of obedience , and Moses sprinkles the remainder of the blood over them ( verse 8 ) — identifying them with the sacrifice made on their behalf both initially and for the failures and sins of everyday life .
8 So unless your customer is particularly devious , and is good at it , the chances are that he can be found quite quickly and for a reasonable fee .
9 It has fallen most heavily and for the longest periods on the most vulnerable members of society , with a particular concentration on the young , and on unskilled or semi-skilled workers .
10 And , lastly , if you went into space and you really went very fast and for a long , long time , would you ever reach an edge ?
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