Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So exactly the same process was followed .
2 Another 70 per cent — mathematically impossible , so probably the same lot — assured a rival survey that manager Souness must stay .
3 This brings us back to Le Page 's hypothesis : " the individual creates for himself the patterns of his linguistic behaviour so as to resemble those of the group or groups with which from time to time he wishes to be identified " ; only now we can treat " linguistic behaviour " at a micro level , interpreting " from time to time " to mean even at different stages within the same conversation — perhaps even the same utterance .
4 ‘ Role conflict ’ is talked about , but this is not necessarily quite the same thing .
5 ABOVE RIGHT The same ladder after excavation and conservation .
6 At just about the same time , a cigar-gnawing chief executive thousands of miles away was shredding his meticulously planned TV schedules to find a slot for a homely Australian series which was to become one of the all time surprise hits , turning many of its stars into instant celebrities .
7 Another group , the crustaceans , appeared at just about the same time .
8 just about the same time as we did
9 " Psycho-anthropology " , a stepchild of anthropology and psychology , emerged as a sub-discipline at just about the same time that its purest source data — the least-contacted tribal peoples — were vanishing into extinction .
10 Theseus is shown again at just about the same time , lifting Antiope into his chariot , an over life-size group from a pediment ( fig. 65 ) .
11 Well he does n't bother to mention that the king also had an official welcome at Carfax , which was the normal place , what was known as the Penniless Bench , which was at the end of St Martin 's Church , only the of that remains at the moment , now , erm and then was presented with the traditional gift of gloves by the mayor , and the not very generous sum of £520 , and just about the same time , Alderman Nixon and 12 others who agreed with him disappeared smartly from Oxford , and were n't to be seen for the rest of the war .
12 That 's just about the same height as the fence you see .
13 You 're just about the same height
14 My sister-in-law is just about the same age as me , and whether it 's because she 's not his daughter , but he treats her completely different .
15 Told me that at just about the same age , he did the same thing to try and impress the then girl in in the office .
16 The adult who will finally emerge is different from the child , but still recognizably the same person you once knew and understood .
17 Its distribution in space becomes more and more contorted by the velocity fluctuations , but so long as molecular diffusion plays no role , the marked fluid is always just the same fluid .
18 There are still roughly the same amount of people who do get drunk and create a problem , but we are now dealing with the street offences they cause at two or three o'clock rather than ten till midnight . ’
19 She promises him everything he wants at luncheon and cuts him dead later the same afternoon , looking through him as if he were a veil .
20 They follow a pattern in which each sentence ends nearly exactly the same way as it begins :
21 She told officers she threw her baby into the river at about 7.30pm the same day .
22 By the time the draw takes place the audience will have had an eyeful of Loren and an earful of Pavarotti , who was once a deep-lying centre-forward and is now roughly the same shape as the ball .
23 I never did anything and I never played with children when I was a child because I did n't want to play with peasants on the estate , so I never did anything except sketching , painting and reading , and I 'm still doing pretty well exactly the same thing , and learning languages .
24 She probably was n't even legally the same person any more .
25 In my wanderings to the Staff Colleges and branches of the Royal Aeronautical Society all over the world , the USAF Academy , Colorado Springs , and also that incredible edifice of aeronautical and technical learning — the Smithsonian in Washington , the main question that always crops up and in almost entirely the same way is " how was it possible to maintain morale ? "
26 Another attraction in being an RIE is its " status " , in the eyes both of exchange participants and government authorities ; here , RIE and exchange status are indeed much the same thing , both in theory and practice .
27 Besides being not untypical , 3½ per cent was a fair enough share of the community 's wealth for the fifty-two secular priests , who formed almost exactly the same proportion of the 1484 adult male inhabitants .
28 It is calculated in almost exactly the same way .
29 This is consistent with the observations of the microwave background radiation , which show that it has almost exactly the same intensity in any direction .
30 Yet almost exactly the same phenomenon of rising wealth matched by falling savings has been occurring in the US , as the second graph shows .
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