Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as [art] time " in BNC.

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1 This does not gainsay the fundamental proposition that it is every citizen 's duty to retain self-control — at least to the extent of not violating other people 's interests — but it does open the way to a manslaughter verdict and to sentences which are rarely longer than eight years ' imprisonment ( less than half as long as the time served by many convicted of murder ) and may be considerably shorter .
2 Whatever the answer , do not fall into the trap of imagining that the impact of a flood in one of this year 's drought-ridden rivers will pass as quickly as the time it takes for the river to ‘ look ’ normal again .
3 As early as the time of Saul the festival of the new moon was celebrated with great solemnity .
4 This is a view which goes back a long way , at least as far as the time of the Radcliffe Report in 1960 .
5 They were not , they were not dispensed with , well one could look back in seventy eight and say retrospectively how that process could have been started considerably earlier , er the honourable gentleman knows perfectly well that er as the Maastricht bill was winding its way through here it was n't really practical to run this but indeed the processes were started before the governing legislation was on the statute book and I quite understand why honourable gentlemen opposite wish to make their party points , particularly those particularly those who were not in the house in seventy eight which er does n't I think apply to the honourable gentleman from from Birmingham , when he knows perfectly well that the same kind of machinery is used now was used then and it was used as fairly and as honestly and as completely impartially as the time allowed .
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