Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] much [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 There was no pressure on her to help him , but still she 'd agreed to get together as much information on Jenner as she could over the weekend .
2 Forecasts made by married couples of their personal family size seem to share many of the drawbacks of demographic forecasts made by demographers ; especially too much dependence on current conditions ( Westoff and Ryder 1977 ) .
3 So I 'm spending just exactly as much time on incoming and tea card collections , as erm , as I am on my training .
4 Nowadays referees are interfered with just as much memos on this , that and everything .
5 Th there 's still too much trivia on committee agendas .
6 There was too much anger between them , also too much unhappiness on her part .
7 I would be interested in looking at this , although there is now so much pressure on space in our magazine that is may not be possible to include it .
8 Oliver 's tone , shocked , febrile , had about as much effect on Emmie as a quotation from Habeas Corpus would have on a crowd of hungry cannibals .
9 I have to say , in comment to that , I do n't the know the the balance of statistics but I 've been a lone parent for , for ten years now , although I 've I 've pressed button , it was because for ten years of being able to have a stable relationship with my children , I 've got two very stable teenagers and during that , the course of that ten years I 've been disabled person as well , so yes there may be the case that there 's there 's trouble with the children of lone parent families , but I think there 's far too much emphasis on that nowadays !
10 Anyhow , I think that Hatherby woman has far too much influence on Constance . ’
11 ‘ You place far too much importance on this bond that 's supposed to exist between twins . ’
12 Unfortunately it predicts far too much power on small scales so that a significant degree of antibiasing would be needed .
13 And I 've already wasted far too much time on you one way or another . ’
14 But really it had got there but again But what I 'm saying is , that service of carriage forward we were making almost as much money on the kit coming back cos we could have charged another
15 The right man can produce almost as much impression on a boy in a month as he could on a man in a year , but he must first understand him …
16 Western governments and companies are spending twice as much money on expanding nuclear power in the former Soviet bloc as they are on improving the safety of existing reactors , according to a study by Friends of the Earth .
17 The primary school survey expressed concern for the range of work , i.e. too much emphasis on the basics , and the lack of continuity ( a point we have noted already ) .
18 Yet too much concentration on the military angle could , in the end , lead the UN astray , causing it to lose sight of what it is trying to do .
19 In particular , the programme , as it is set out , perhaps puts rather too much emphasis on ‘ knowledge-based systems ’ .
20 The flamboyant impulsive talkative Celts of Ireland 's Iron Age may , in their enthusiasm , have put just a little too much emphasis on quantity rather than quality when it came to liquid refreshments .
21 The filling has a slightly alcoholic flavour but is spoiled slightly by a little too much sugar on top .
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