Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whoever used it did so rarely and left few traces .
2 Reagan responded by sending in 1,200 US Marines on a peace-keeping mission which , although it sounded all right and looked good on television , had no particular purpose .
3 The previous two aspects are clearly the main thrusts of RMI but combining them together successfully and reducing negative fall-out within the organisation is , in effect , the third aspect , that of managing the cultural change that new systems will inevitably produce .
4 She said : ‘ We are guilty of failing to provide for what is clearly a statutory service and I am truly appalled that we slipped up so badly and made such a serious mistake .
5 ‘ I 'd better away and check Lucky Lady . ’
6 The advantages of these are that they last much longer and cost much less to run ( the saving well outweighs the higher asking price ) ; their disadvantages are that the light they give is not quite so ‘ warm ’ and does not come on instantly .
7 And because dense bones tend to sink , black swimmers need to work much harder and expend more energy to keep afloat .
8 I was at a concert with the children a month or so later and saw one rather pushy friend , who I could normally handle .
9 What they have grasped is that the other is a dubiously soft touch who knows she 's been lucky so far and feels guilt-ridden enough to want to put something back into the public melting pot which has been kind enough to approve of her .
10 Blackburn Rovers have spent £10 million so far and seem willing to lash out even more on overpriced players .
11 Scrap the thing so far and begin another .
12 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
13 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
14 When an unpleasant sharp sound was used as the ‘ punishment ’ , the second group , who had the more difficult discrimination to make , learned much less efficiently and became anxious and disorganized .
15 But they 're all good pals together really and help one another
16 Although there is no rhyme in the poem , the last words in every second line sound very like each other so that , while the poem can be simple enough to be a man 's thoughts , it also holds together well and sounds good .
17 We felt that our arguments ‘ hold up ’ extremely well and deserved more recognition in the outcome since they answered at least two of the board 's main arguments against the reduction of differentials .
18 Mark Prudhoe played extremely well and saved one certain goal , while one or two crosses went across the face of goal without anybody getting a touch . ’
19 O K the Cold War , you 've got Russia and America building up their arms and so on and fighting all these kind of erm secret battles .
20 To be sure , the great apes behave so intelligently and have such a rich social life that it seemed extraordinary to many people that they could not learn to speak .
21 Quantum mechanics implies that the whole of space is filled with pairs of ‘ virtual ’ particles and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs , separating , and then coming together again and annihilating each other .
22 One can think of these fluctuations as pairs of particles of light or gravity that appear together at some time , move apart , and then come together again and annihilate each other .
23 I know a lot of us have done terms for a long term , but to be together closely and observe each other reacting and doing things it gives a better idea of how people think , being in this together .
24 She turned away impatiently and opened another case .
25 Your collectors are taking progressively longer and having increasing difficulty in getting paid .
26 I wished I 'd of stayed a bit longer now and had another look around
27 One is Andrew goes away now and readjusts these figures , t to put the graduates , some of the graduates into the fee earning er column .
28 Or you can pay a little more and buy young plants , at prices from £11.99 for a pack of six young geranium plants delivered to you in April .
29 We continue to explore alternative ways of managing our operations more effectively and generating better returns on the residential landholdings which we control .
30 If a worker-led bid came forward and there were employees within a company who had drive , initiative and new ideas about how it could be run more successfully and provide more services at no cost to the public purse , why should they , in effect , be disqualified without their case ever having been studied by those who are supposed to study the bids ?
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