Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb base] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 Abraham de Wicquefort , when in 1681 he published the best-known and most widely read work on diplomacy produced anywhere in early modern Europe , could still speak of the formal witnessing of a royal oath to keep a treaty of peace or alliance as one of the obvious reasons for the sending of an extraordinary ambassador .
2 If you wish to donate your goods to the NCT anyway just write NCT on the labels .
3 If you wish to donate your goods to the NCT anyway just write NCT on the labels .
4 Greenpeace have recommended that funding agencies should act to set up heating control and energy-efficient light bulb factories in the Ukraine , in an effort to cut electricity consumption and thereby further reduce dependency on nuclear power .
5 The Witch King of Naggaroth once more set foot on the land from where he 'd so long ago been driven .
6 When permission is granted , the owner does not always immediately begin work on a popular local leisure facility , but simply puts the land up for sale at a much higher price .
7 This is an easy trap to fall into because humans quite naturally promote people on the basis of superior performance .
8 white sauce and then just grate cheese on top
9 Is it a big , oh you quite often get messages on there .
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