Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [det] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Two-year-olds are learning so much all the time — and are eager to learn more .
2 Yeah but basically downwards all the time .
3 Musicians play together here all the time , in bars and in their houses as well as on stage .
4 there 's never a time when there 's flung all over half the time !
5 While Palermo ( 1973 ) , for example , found that four-to five-year-olds responded appropriately to more nearly all the time , but to less only 39 per cent of the time , an earlier study by Griffiths , Shantz and Sigel ( 1967 ) reported that children of that age understood both more and less almost equally well ( 70 per cent and 65 per cent ) .
6 She right here all the time . ’
7 It does n't come out very well though all the time .
8 But I mean I do get used to being on my own and then like I mean I say he 's there like the , the other morni he went down his mother 's and he did n't come back till three o'clock so he 's not there constantly all the time .
9 E yeah okay so we can use the rule which should now work pretty well all the time .
10 ‘ What he feels , you see , ’ says Caroline , ‘ is that people ought to struggle pretty well all the time against the limitations of the world and their own nature .
11 What I thought we might do is to explore this phenomenon a little further , just the two of us together , but making sure we take things very carefully all the time . ’
12 ‘ Sleeping quietly here all the time .
13 Felipe was made to work very hard all the time .
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