Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Wolverton , which had been the seat of the locomotive building industry for the L & B Railway was no longer so convenient as when the northern terminus was at Birmingham .
2 That 's why I 'm glad that WISE thing , I mean it 's about time they bloody realized — I 'm convinced that once a woman gets into science she 's just as good as if not better than , any man .
3 These appear to be the valid wordings for trusts which are in most common use : ‘ I request ’ , ‘ I ask ’ , ‘ I wish ’ , and ‘ I entrust ’ , which are individually just as effective as if they were all used together .
4 The emotions of like and dislike are just as broad as if they had arisen from a total survey of the car .
5 Nails , unlike Jazz and Hoomey , looked just as weedy as when they had started their training — so much so , in fact , that his puny appearance along with his new , apparent docility had set the school 's pastoral care department into action .
6 My cover 's blown ; that woman 's ruined everything for me just as sure as if she was standing next to me dribbling down her front and complaining about ration books .
7 He well recalls a couplet about him in The Times : ‘ He was right , dead right , as he walked along ; but he was just as dead as if he 'd been wrong . ’
8 My view is that international players must understand that their behaviour for clubs is just as important as when they play for England . ’
9 It 's very good he the video 's just as safe as if children that needs character what do you think ?
10 The mammalian carnivore assemblages all show considerable loss of distal elements , usually as great as or greater than any of the avian predators ( Table 3.2 ) .
11 This brief in our series on the modern classics of economics looks at a paper that is still as controversial as when it first appeared — and suddenly much more relevant to the debate on economic policy .
12 Archaeologists have a clear responsibility : until the information contained in those records is made available to other archaeologists , and to the general public , the excavation is not complete : the information is still as inaccessible as if the site had never been excavated , and the records themselves might just as well be buried .
13 A key element of obtaining that price would be your ability to demonstrate that the profits to October have been met and that your outlook on the future market is still as good as when we last met with your colleagues .
14 ‘ It 's hilly and covered in forest , and the going wo n't be easy , but not nearly as difficult as if we tried to go south over the mountains .
15 start , what to do or anything so , you need a little bit of practice at doing them for , for revision and then it , it 's not nearly as hard as when you first learnt , it pulls it out of your head again and then sort of puts it back in a bit more settled down and easier to retrieve .
16 And within five minutes , we were both as naked as when we were born , bouncing merrily across the great fourposter bed .
17 Then if your idea turns out to be not as magnificently ingenious as when , in the dark hours you first thought of it , all is not lost .
18 Provided this is taken into account , the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used .
19 He smiled infuriatingly at her , lifting a hand to run it over his dark hair , seemingly as relaxed as though they were just sharing a pleasant little chat rather than this frosty interview .
20 I collapsed back into the armchair , almost as exhausted as if I 'd been climbing the Eigernordwand .
21 This is almost as beautiful as where you live ! ’ she exclaimed .
22 Almost as sweet as when Giggs missed that penalty a year or so ago vs Soton in the FA Cup which meant they got knocked out … : - )
23 They came down almost as big as when they went up .
24 It was almost as clear as if he had been there .
25 If we took de Guichet himself — I saw him pass the other day , twice as thick as when I knew him , and the beard changes a man , but I knew that thwarted , ambitious face of his — if we took de Guichet himself , would Isambard give us Harry for him ?
26 Now that may not go quite as far as as as would would favour .
27 We shall just have to pretend it 's not there , there 's not , there 's not quite as bad as when I had to speak for Amnesty on Radio Essex last year and it was live , as every word , every word I spoke was being you know being heard by a lot of people and that 's , that was very , that was very intimidating .
28 And it does n't sound quite as clear as if you have to think about who you 're talking to .
29 His voice was sharp , yet as intimate as if he had known her for a long time .
30 Once mistaken for a joker , he could henceforth be seen as a crank : an important advance in reputation , though this playful and darting mind was seldom so serious as when it was spoofing , or so earnest in intent as when making a joke .
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