Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Accused in its time of being a scandalous affront to bourgeois morality , La Ronde in fact pinpoints its hypocrisy most acutely and in retrospect reveals its author as ( among other things ) a perceptively premature feminist .
2 Nevertheless , as Suwardjo ( 1986 ) has discussed , these programmes have not only caused accelerated soil erosion , which in Sumatra may amount to as much as per year , but also a loss of soil fertility , especially in areas cleared mechanically rather than by hand .
3 He was n't to know that the journalist he was expecting had opted to take the longer route overland rather than to fly out on Thursday .
4 She can hold a spoon and feed herself but only slowly and with spillage .
5 I 'll get him in a Glory all right and up Monument Hill . ’
6 Royal involvement in episcopal appointments suggests that the kings and their bishops were likely to work together rather than in opposition .
7 It is only within and in relation to this ‘ structure ’ that institutions have functions to fulfil .
8 Wallington notes that road-blocks ‘ were widely used , especially within and on access roads to Nottinghamshire , but also elsewhere — notably ( for a few days in March 1984 ) at the south entrance to the Dartford tunnel .
9 It occurred to him that he had reached the age when a man looks forward to his pleasures less keenly than in youth but is disproportionately aggrieved when his plans are upset .
10 So much so that for cricket internationals , they cancel the best show .
11 In general , this is a general point , the ionic selectivity of such channels is much less than for voltage gated channels .
13 To some extent , though less so than with survey researchers , the same spirit informed the early exponents of participant observation .
14 ‘ We support the struggles of each nation to live its own life , so long as in pursuit of its aims it uses methods which do not violate the conscience and the dignity of any of its citizens . ’
15 Make the most of your features , but do so naturally and with style .
16 I , Odilo Unverdorben , arrived at Auschwitz Central somewhat precipitately and by motorbike , with a wide twirl or frill of slush and mud , shortly after the Bolsheviks had entrained their ignoble withdrawal .
17 ( 120 ) I never knew a little adventure happen so quickly as in East Africa .
18 Apart from this , the non-European world was , diplomatically speaking , simply that area of the world where European powers could quarrel with one another less dangerously than at home .
19 Challenger 's 12 independent hydrogas units allow the wheels to travel up and down much further than with Chieftain 's bogie -type suspension , thus greatly reducing the accelerations that the vehicle itself undergoes .
20 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
21 You swore each and every one of you to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence …
22 You swore each and every one of you , to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence and let the chips lie where they fall .
23 Like most of his music , it looks back fondly to a golden age , but it does so creatively and with vitality .
24 Now the chances are he 's gon na say well yeah I thought so because the , the size of the C C Q makes them identify just about everything so far but in case we have missed something .
25 So although no route can more truly be called a " beaten track " than the one which heads for the Gotthard Pass , now that the old Gotthard road has been supplanted so far as through traffic is concerned by the Basel-Chiasso motor expressway ( E9 , N2 ) , many towns and villages on the old road can be rated as " off the beaten track " .
26 You should also note points where a pause could be made for recap on the story so far or for prediction of what might happen next .
27 The cloth was linen , for Mrs Maugham held that plastic table cloths were the last resort of the working classes , and had said so often and at length ; but it was adorned with place mats of plastic .
28 Water your containers less frequently than in summer , but do not let pots dry out .
29 She wanted Andrew and she said so plainly and without pretence .
30 Look down at the foot of the page and you will probably find others , occurring not so frequently but with regularity and at fixed intervals .
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