Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The sexes differed perhaps most conspicuously when voting for felines , and only the tiger attracted roughly equal proportions of votes from both sexes .
2 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
3 In travelling around Australia I soon found out there was not too much of my kind of thing — little enough that feel within my category of the picturesque .
4 The water molecules were spread widely so as to react with the plasma effectively reducing the plasma density through a process beginning with ion-exchanges .
5 He must be careful that the new rules he lays down fit well enough with rules established by others or likely to be established in the future that the total set of rules will work together and make the situation better rather than pulling in opposite directions and making it worse .
6 We have to view a stimulus for a finite time before it generates a perception , but that perception appears to us to occur instantaneously rather than fading into view like the Cheshire cat . )
7 The driver is that , even though I am suffering , it adds merit to what I do — i.e. I will stand rather than sit , I will struggle through alone rather than ask for help .
8 She chewed , oh , so delicately and reached towards another dish .
9 By its nature , metaphysics almost never provides us with certainties ; so rather than bother with it , most people ’ believe ’ what to them seems most plausible .
10 So rather than sit at the counter and do it they they have rooms which you can go to and erm get interviewed
11 Rather than the last meeting , it was just a couple of days after the last meeting , so rather than wait until now , I circulated all the papers I 'd got .
12 If a horse shies , he is fundamentally ignoring the rider 's inside leg , so rather than worrying about the horse shying , it is more important to concentrate on exercises which make the horse move away from the leg such as leg-yield , shoulder-in , enlarging and decreasing the circle .
13 A structure and meaning to the day has to be found from inside rather than imposed from outside .
14 It is doubtful whether any other golf course , with the exception of St Andrews , has been written about so much , photographed so lavishly and expanded upon so frequently .
15 The experimental subjects acquired the CR only slowly when trained in context A , the context in which the light had been presented during the first stage of habituation training .
16 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
17 ‘ He 'd do that all right but look at what he 's getting mixed up ‘ It may be just talk , ’ she ventured edgily .
18 Another American firm , McDonnell Douglas , has a smaller product range , and by the mid-1980s was wondering whether to get out of the industry entirely rather than compete in the next generation of civil airliners .
19 The girl laced her fingers together nervously and looked at the floor .
20 Like all analogies , this one can mislead as well as help , but if we do feel that a reasonable case is being presented to us , and that the internal evidence of the research fits together coherently and comes to a result which is ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ then we may be prepared to accept this piece of research , based though it is on informal interviews .
21 The association of thrust faulting on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau with normal faulting in its highest regions has been interpreted as suggesting that it has attained its maximum elevation , and that consequently it is tending to grow outwards rather than increase in altitude .
22 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
23 I never thought it would work like this : having been a small child in the 50s when women dressed more or less identically and according to their age and class ( gymslip , good suit , housecoat , then cardigan and pinny ) , I used to think that it was beautifully liberating in the 60s and 70s when convention began to permit a woman of any age to dress in virtually any style , from hooker to schoolmarm .
24 On a more phenomenological level , if we wanted some visual analogue to the associationist view of mental life we could not do much better than think of one of those ‘ psychedelic ’ slide-shows popular in the late 1960s , in which lights were projected through oil , producing coloured globs which met , merged and repelled in a series of kaleidoscopic patterns .
25 It is an elegant way to travel , much better than waiting for the buses which , at this time of year , seem to come every other Tuesday .
26 Much better than sitting in pubs with young girls or even drinking with one 's colleagues , the hastily snatched pint of bitter before they caught their trains home to their wives .
27 Calm water : Mushroom anemones seem to fare much better if placed in quiet areas of the tank , where the current is n't strong enough to actually move the disc of the polyp .
28 They do not like by-elections , for in them a candidate of their own party may , win or lose , find the opportunity to display himself so advantageously as to become in the next general election a fearsome competitor .
29 ‘ Some of these prisoners were arrogant and felt proud to die for their cause ; others were less so and resigned to their fate .
30 The recombinant protein was phosphorylated extremely inefficiently as compared to the c-Jun bZIP region ( the exposure time in Figure 1C is over 20-fold longer than in Figure 1B ) .
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