Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 They even have a language , so most definitely they possess a mind structure .
2 ‘ I have pensioner friends on the Continent who are much better off they get free telephones and television licences .
3 Perhaps more importantly they provide play material : ideas , content , and stimulus for play .
4 So far anyway they 've been excellent I must say .
5 So far today they have been studying how orders for an operation are given and the particular way in which the Army goes about explaining a complex undertaking .
6 COLBERT : Oh man , they 're so far out they 've seen Pluto , those guys .
7 Every working person , every unemployed person , every pensioner knows only too well they 've got it wrong .
8 . All too often they discredit themselves by engaging in character assassination … and by their transparent acceptance of bad research when it happens to suit their case . ’
9 We 've seen flashes of the old Liverpool but all too often they 've fallen below acceptable standards and that 's the problem — their consistency has gone and that was always their hallmark .
10 Sadly , all too often they end up shelling out for mechanical write-offs which have been given a quick paint job and put up for sale at outrageous prices .
11 All too often they have to guess what is in the minds of their teachers .
12 It 's a job which men take on when they are at the height of their powers but all too often they have been reduced to a sickly shadow of their former self .
13 All too often they have been segregated from their peers to form ‘ remedial ’ classes — just as disruptive children have .
14 All too often they see the European enterprise as one huge thicket of hostility and conspiracy .
15 But I mean i i certainly if you go through the , the early bits erm I mean i i i if you take well okay the , the organization bit to begin with , but then hitting the landlords politically er you know y you 're , you 're checking their accounts , you 're imposing their fines when they 've been a bit naughty , you 're letting contributions erm you 're crowning them and going through the streets , you 're locking them up , you 're banishing some of them , you might be executing some of them but i it 's , it 's only specifically where they 've offended against your , your view of the moral economy , where they , where they 've sort of been naughty in terms of
16 want to go out with you but because , you know , they think you 're a nice person , a genuine kind of g er which is exactly right here they do , they only , they will only talk to you if they 're kind of
17 Just as well they have something else in common : they have known each other a long time , and are all good friends .
18 Maybe just as well they have to , because , even when cosmic diamonds are still a rare find , we do not want the beauty of the Universe to be compromised by adventurers who are after personal gain .
19 Oh it was yes , I mean y when you take now erm er a boatman , I mean , and he , he like today well they ring up , I mean today I know the Ipswich Port Authority they lay the phone on the houses and they pay for it for 'em
20 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
21 As for the Gascons , they are gossipy , licentious , and poorly dressed ; although they eat and drink far too much they do n't sit at table but squat around a fire ; they all share the same cup and when they go to sleep they all share the same rotting straw , master and mistress , servants and all .
22 Andy Thomson and John Price , who between them have dominated the indoor season , move outdoors today when they line up in the five-day Mazda International Singles Championship on Australia 's Gold Coast .
23 Ah , well sometimes when they make popcorn
24 Then you would have six men ashore that carry it away and stack it but course now today they do n't do that .
25 If if a material conducts electricity well , it conducts heat well because it 's very there there there they work on the same process .
26 This paper argues that marketing is a total concept and has much in common with quality ideas , yet too often they seem to be at odds .
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