Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Above all he becomes a technician of controlled trance , to which he then surrenders totally — perhaps rather unknowingly as do our greatest actors and musicians .
2 Trumpets wailed , acrobats somersaulted , torn beasts died ; some bejewelled ladies blew kisses , perhaps only so as to kindle the jealousy of rival ladies or of their own lords .
3 On the one hand , Jaq must seem capable of irony and flexible tolerance — perhaps only so as to spring a trap .
4 These categories reveal an intricate relationship between social rank and economic standing , so much so as to invite the conclusion that by this date , if not much earlier , it had come to be acknowledged that status was a function of source and level of income , subject to the proviso that land took precedence over personal property .
5 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
6 The origin of Blakeney Point is open to discussion : it has been suggested that the western end may have been a feature comparable with Scolt Head Island and later joined to the mainland by a simple spit growing westwards from Weybourne : it may have developed entirely as a spit such as Orford Ness or Hurst Castle Spit , which will be described below ; or the whole feature may represent an offshore bar driven so far inshore as to become attached to the coast .
7 In fact , some people 's remembering of the exact colours and their proportions might be so far out as to scramble the possible building of any picture .
8 Even drivers of average height will need the seat so far back as to make it impossible to see directly behind .
9 Erm but , but they 're an easy target to go for as opposed to , I mean Mao could e perhaps as easily as argued , saying you know commercialization is not the way forward , erm and we do n't want greater interaction with the world economy erm as opposed to saying , you know , overthrow the local landlords .
10 On inspecting this table we can begin to raise questions about the balance of men and women in secondary school teaching ; especially as far as teaching particular age groups are concerned with more women teaching the younger pupils in middle schools than teaching in comprehensive schools where the complete age range is present .
11 Once airborne , the technique of control comes just as easily as riding the proverbial bicycle … until that is , you fall off !
12 Elizabeth had been amazed to see workmen slicing through stone blocks with hand-axes , just as easily as cutting butter .
13 Skilfully used , a fabric border can pull a room together just as effectively as swagging everything in sight with the same chintz .
14 A firm conviction of the truth of all this , secure in the minds of the parents by the time the child is born , is the best insurance that the process will start with birth just as surely as does the process of feeding .
15 Total repression of conflict leads to anarchy just as surely as does total conflict' ( ibid. xii ) .
16 He had left home so hurriedly as to have packed not one of the poetry volumes that he was very seldom without .
17 Disk-resident MIBs will be able to be loaded and activated dynamically as well as unloaded and de-activated in order to free memory .
18 Disk-resident MIBs will be able to be loaded and activated dynamically as well as unloaded and de-activated in order to free memory .
19 For example , a coastline is a curve whose length ( between any two points ) increases when measured more accurately so as to include its ever-finer convolutions round bays , headlands , cliffs , boulders rocks , pebbles , etc , and on any reasonably simple model the length is infinite .
20 This consisted of an index ( with a score of 75 or below ) which combined relative per capita income and relative unemployment levels , and was an attempt to redefine the assisted areas more narrowly so as to direct funds to those areas most in need .
21 Since fuel is a major part of a coal station 's running costs , the fact that prices were not rising nearly as fast as had been expected would have a fundamental impact on the future cost of coal-fired electricity .
22 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
23 ‘ I started back as soon afterwards as seemed right .
24 Whatever the ultimate aim might be , for the moment the CNAA was going as far only as delegating or sharing aspects of the validation process — which meant accepting the limitations of the CNAA 's existing Charter .
25 However , by the simple mathematical device of plotting reciprocals it was possible to extend or extrapolate the size-strength curve fairly reliably so as to ascertain the strength of a fibre of negligible thickness .
26 Through the winter months , the larger firms gave further assurances that they were willing " to take immediate steps for the gradual reduction of female comps " ; some it seems went even so far as to dismiss women .
27 At some time or other the twin siren songs of forward and backward integration have led most large companies to do everything for themselves from manufacturing their own plant and spares , sometimes even as far as owning their own retail outlets .
28 Richard was still not allowed to speak — he was not recovering quite so fast as had been expected — and he could make little reply when Laura told him that this was exactly the kind of thing she had expected all along , and that she would see about disposing of Lord Jim immediately .
29 What is more , the countries of Europe who are not members of the EEC have increased their trade at least as fast as have those of the Community , and there is no EEC country other than Luxembourg which has a per capita income higher than any ( except Austria ) of the Efta countries .
30 ‘ As I finished selecting these 200-odd titles which reflect the continuing excellence of writing for children , a document was leaked which made it clear that the authorities which are controlling the education of the next generation had , at a stroke , obliterated the ‘ golden age ’ of children 's literature — at least as far as reading in schools is concerned .
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