Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [art] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 You can , for substantially less money , buy bigger , flashier coupes which not only better the VW on interior and luggage accommodation but , thanks to more powerful engines , easily outperform it in acceleration and top speed and , marginally , in fuel economy .
2 The phrase ‘ innocent women and children ’ is not so much a slur on men as a way of infantilising women — classing them , with children , as helpless and passive victims incapable of political agency or moral judgement .
3 In the end , Matza 's argument is not so much an attack on correctionalism as an assertion of the not very original point that , whatever your starting assumption , it is best to keep your mind open to all possibilities ( although he was right to draw attention to the fact that correctionalists had often been guilty of not doing so ) .
4 If interpreted in this light , the argument becomes not so much an onslaught on the idea of identity as an attack on the idea of empirical things as basic particulars .
5 An edit will cut this pause ( called a ‘ run on ’ ) down to perhaps just a second on the finished version of the episode .
6 Being favourite for the Kentucky Derby , run on dirt at Churchill Downs on May 2 , as well as the Ever Ready Derby , on turf at Epsom on June 3 , is a rarity in itself ; perhaps more a comment on jet-age attitudes to travelling horses than Arazi 's versatility .
7 ‘ It 's only really the chap on the ground who gets to know what 's going on , gets chatting — and not just chatting with the management of the firm — chatting with the chap that runs the pretreatment plant , y'know , having a cup of tea with him and generally getting to know the individuals and the characters .
8 So now the pressure on the broker is not only to do more business but to do it in exactly their way . ’
9 And perhaps even the look on J. G. D. McKechnie 's face .
10 They gazed in wonder at this goddess , and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage .
11 She was smiling so hard the gauze on her hat wobbled .
12 So too the embroidery on her smock leads the reader to turn her round in his gaze , " " al bifoore/And eek bihynde " " ( 3238 – 9 ) .
13 He was soon fully a mile on the moor , a terrible doom , forsooth , awaiting him .
14 Just then the clock on the little whitewashed church in the town square began to strike .
15 The present exhibition is based on that show but is not aiming to provide a complete overview of the artist 's work , rather more a reflection on discrete themes and motifs .
16 Certainly he was becoming ever more a man on his own .
17 This would have the benefit of forcing the courts to articulate more openly the premises on which they are reasoning .
18 Once again the theology on which her understanding of her own life was clearly based is one that is not deeply sympathetic to us now ; nonetheless it was a deeply social , corporate and incarnational way of seeing the world .
19 But he did and once again the pictures on the walls quivered in fear .
20 Once briefly a prospector on the Yukon , he is now a BBC radio producer , fitting in an extensive travelling when he can .
21 Though all de Forbin 's fleet , except the Salisbury , got home safely the men on board suffered heavily from sickness , the final casualty list being put at around 4000 , a high proportion of those taking part .
22 This involved most notably a stress on the power of economic forces to overcome existing divisions between States .
23 Through a series of reforms , most notably the retiring on full pay of some 8,000 officers , Azaña went some way towards achieving the first of these goals .
24 ‘ I drive past there every day on my way to work , ’ he said .
25 The initial débâcle was as much a comment on the inability of society — as of the Red Army — to withstand the blow directed against it .
26 Her ladyship always took advice from art historians before she would even change as much the piping on a cushion .
27 At present , the acquisition , development , and dissemination of computer methods and the creation of useful machine-readable data are not given anywhere the same credit or standing as traditional forms of research and publication despite the fact that the latter have no greater claim on scholarship and far less a claim on relevance .
28 When Richard was a young man there was reckoned to be a tournament about once a fortnight on the Continent ; in England they were prohibited on the orders of Henry II .
29 ADD suggest that the reasons efficiency might be impaired in periods of variable inflation are that the price system fails to transmit as efficiently the information on relative prices needed to coordinate economic plans , that the optimum wage and price contract length shortens , making existing arrangements inappropriate , and that government interference in markets is likely to be increased .
30 Because in American life there is now no social agreement on the fundamentals of behaviour and morality , there is now equally no consensus on the fundamentals of the art that in the past has sprung from just such social agreement .
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